Anyone want to get into shape this summer?

I guess I had better get some excersize
in by getting some housework done
since I do have a 3 day weekend. Got to have something to show for it.. be checking in later Oh check out the pic of my new 11 juveniles with Peanut my drake

taking them for their 1st walk in the back yard


when they spotted his pool they took it over.
That was yesterday. So this morning I brought out the backup pool out.
Well, I'm overwhelmed. My husband told me he invited "a couple people over" to watch the fireworks he bought yesterday. I had THIRTY people show up at my house. I knew it would be more than a couple, but 30 was way more than I was expecting! (Luckily, they all brought food)

Then I found out that around the time everyone was leaving, my neighbor's political lawn sign was destroyed. We do not generally have a lot of traffic on our street - there are only, like, 6 houses on the whole thing. So it LOOKS like it may have been one of our guests... Which is why I am up at nearly 1AM posting even though I have not slept in days. I am LIVID.

Anyway, the diet is shot. If I can get some sleep tonight, I will get back on the wagon tomorrow.

At the very least I will try to get some exercise in!

So yeah, I've been quiet because I haven't been doing so well on the diet and exercise thing!

Need to take a deep breath... Must sleep... Then I will have some hope for tomorrow...
I can't seem to get motivated. And I can't seem to stop eating!!!! Help!! Once I eat something it's as though a switch is flipped and then it's graze all day, especially at night!!! I'm not even hungry, it's as though I'm watching myself do it and part of me doesn't care!!!!!!

Any ideas other than medication!?
Just really busy lately. Still walking every morning. Although my ankle is getting worse. Dont know what is wrong with it, but as long as I stay moving it isnt too bad. Probably age and years riding (heels down. Toes UP!) catching up with me! LOL If i ever get a chance to ride Rhett again it will be with the western saddle.

I hope everyone is hanging in there and keeping up the great work!
critter hill and r&smom, I totally understand. This weekend seems to have thrown everyone off. The 4th resulted in ranch chilie cheese fries and *oh so good* chocolate milkshake. the 5th was bannana pudding and fudgy brownie. Oh well, it's a holiday!!! The scale probably won't be very nice, but Monday is another start to another week.

Scooters mom,,,,

swampduck, try putting a bottle or glass of water/tea/lemonaid, in the fridge. also some pre sliced fruit or veggie. that way when you go to fridge you'll see this and take it first. It takes some practice, but it really does help.

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