Anyone want to get into shape this summer?

I went to the old house today to collect some things, and after I had a quick shower I weighed myself and I weighed in at something like 253lbs, which means I've lost more weight...
SERIOUSLY don't know how or why, but scale said that I'd lost another 3/4 lb. I didn't think of a pound as much, but look at a lb of hamburger at the store. That is quite a lot of FAT. I need to get serious again and the scale may just move a little quicker.
Wow...ya'll are doing great!! I painted all day in our lovely 103* weather...I hope that doing WiiFit and loving it!! Who knew you could be so sore from Yoga!!
OK, so after a big storm the other night we've been without phone, therefore internet. They FINALLY restored it today.

Only been a so so week for me. Our boss has REALLY been on our backs. it's hard to eat good when you are that stressed. I know that it isn't a real excuse, but it happened. Then tuesday was my 13th anniversary and dh had to go out of town to work. We were going to celebrate the night before, but got out of work 1 1/2 hours late.

Any one else have better luck? Any good news? Sorry to complain so much.
I found this post last week and I have quit drinking sugar drinks and lost 3lbs so far!!!! Just off of not drinking Cranberry Juice!!! Thank you all for inspireing me!!!
Hi everyone,

Just to update, as of Monday (my weigh-in day) I lost 2 more lbs. since I joined this thread a few weeks ago, for a total of 4 lbs. lost.

So I haven't disappeared from the face of the planet or fallen off the wagon, just been busy.

Hopefully I'll see another loss this coming Monday. I've been exercising and trying my best to curb my sweet tooth.
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Thanks Missouri Chick!

Weighed myself today and am down 1 lb for a total of 5 lbs lost.

My goal is to lose another 1-2 lbs this week. To do that I will try to cut down on sweets (I can't seem to get through the day without them!), eat more vegetables, drink more water, and exercise for 1/2 hour at least 5 days this week.

How is everyone else doing? This thread has been a bit slow lately!

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