Anyone want to get into shape this summer?

Welllllllllll,,,,,,I haven't been eating great and was worried that I have gained it all back. The good news is that when I weighed today the scale had not budged.

Ok Anne, I'll eat my oatmeal and lean quizines tomorrow.
I'm glad that you are posting a success. Seeing others make progress is what motivated me to keep going and do better.

Hey girls,,,where are you????? I'm getting worried!!!! If ya fell off we'll get you back on. I promise
I truely hope you haven't left........
We all have low times. It'll be ok, just remember that you can always start again tomorrow.
I have been off from work for the past week (and this week too) carting my 2 and 5 year olds off to the zoo, crystal cave, Monkey Joe's, the Jersey shore, everywhere! So that is my excuse for not posting much.

My diet has been good day/bad day/good day/bad day. Always tough when you are on the road. I've eaten more PB and J sandwiches this week than I like to think about...

BUT, I am keeping that 5 pounds off. The scale seems to think I may be losing more weight this week, but I like to wait a full week to see if it is just water weight.

I am so tired... Did Crystal Cave today and CARRIED both kids through most of the cave since they were nervous about the whole prospect of being underground. My back is killing me! Now DH just sent email saying he may be home in time for me to go to the gym tonight!

I don't know if I have the energy... But it always makes my back feel better when I climb at the gym for some reason (rock climbing gym,

I should suck it up, take some Motrin, and head out to climb tonight...
whew, critterhill,,,,you've been a busy girl. sounds like you've had a blast with the kids. At least we've kept off the weight we lost and not gained any back.
Ive lost about 3 pounds the last few weeks. Now that my back issue is being treated
I can concentrate on eating better with my diabetes. Doing that and taking the meds help my weight. I start the gym birthday, how appropriate.

I saw this post, clicked on it, read the first line and instantly went back to the index. Then I had to come back and post my reply....

I'd love to get in shape. Only have about 40 pounds to loose and only about 6 weeks of working out to tone up.

simply dont have the initiative or inspiration.... Its easier to eat ho-hos on the couch...
I just started the low glycemic Transitions Lifestyle system. It has been pretty easy,especially with our fresh veggies. I'll keep you updated.
so I ate my oatmeal this morning, but forgot that we were having a lunch and learn at work today. Rep. pays for lunch. Who's gonna pass up free food????? We had blimpies and I always get mayo, can't have one with out it. However, I asked them to go light and had baked lays. Not perfect, but better......

Hey ginasmarans, what is this diet? I'm always interested in new ideas. I think I've heard of it but there are so many things out there.
Critter hill, I was reading back through this thread,,,, how is your daughter?

Willsmama93, How is the eat right for your body turning out?

r&smom, how are you doing? reread your post about crossing your legs.... I still feel proud of that moment

Spook, haven't seen you in a while,,doing ok?

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