Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

Hey PP, we have a WII. I havent used it yet but its on the to-do list. lol. I frankly am having a hardtime envisioning myself playing WII Cheer!

Did the diet pills make you feel buzzed? I tried them once too and didnt like that feeling. If I am going to be buzzed, there better be a Daiquiri involved.

Keep up your good work!!
Amen, sister. I don't have a sweet tooth. My downfall is my nightly martini (s
) Sometimes I have another just to keep myself from snacking. I don't know which is worse.
I have recently started working with the Wii Fit Plus in order to lose weight and improve my health. I love it. I love that I can set a calorie burn goal, a weight loss goal, check my weight and BMI, and the list goes on and on. Bottom line is it is fun and I've never enjoyed exercise this much in my life. I'd recommend it to anyone who, like me, has trouble staying intersted and motivated. I did have to laugh when the darn thing gave me attitude for skipping a day.

In terms of personal goals I would really like to lose 75lbs in the next 12 months or so. I'm down about five since starting with the Wii Fit but have sooooo much further to go. I try to exercise at least five days a week, and burn at least 390 calories per workout. This has been a good number to shoot for so far but is actually getting a little easier so I might increase it soon. I'm also watching what I eat more closely, paying particular attention to portion size. I've also incorporated healthier choices into my diet. I'm trying to keep everything reasonable and easy so I can maintain this routine for a long time.
I have a wii fit too. I got a cramp yesterday doing the hoola hoop , thought i was gonna die.

I like the balance games , my DD likes the yoga.
Checking in-
Starting Weight-148# [1-1-10]
Goal Weight-125#
Current Weight-144#
Height-5' 4''

I did pretty well the past day. For dinner last night I had white rice, baked fish [not breaded], green beans, wheat bread, and milk. Pretty good. I was to not have anything else after that, but I splurged for the first time and a had a medium glass of choco milk. Not good, but I was deprived. lol For breakfast today I had a very small piece of apple pie, and a tiny glass [6 oz] of V8. That has been it so far. I am thinking about maybe soup or another peanut butter sandwich for lunch, and milk. Or maybe something a little tastier. I could use it. I am really ticked at the weather today. I have been waiting for today for a year, it is the Junior Fairboard Conference in Columbus. I was really excited because it was such a blast last year. But the weather was too bad that we couldn't go.
Not happy. All of my plans have been canceled over the past few days because of the conditions. So here I am, bored out of my mind.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I'm eating salads, fuits...cut out the fast food and pops completely. Started going to the gym...and I've gained 5 lbs.

I don't like veggies, so I don't eat very many, so it's not like I'm overeating the carrot sticks. Literally, I only eat 2 pieces of celery.

Simply ridiculous. What's the point of trying to get healthy when you gain weight with "healthy" food?
It's frustrating but I would keep at it. Don't let it stop you! Give yourself more time to see weight loss. Are you eating protein? You should be eating some everyday - I know that's what works for me and I feel better too. Some scrambled eggs with peppers, onion and a little cheese or a roasted chicken breast maybe? You don't have to eat celery if you don't want to! I eat omelettes with veggies, a piece of roasted meat with some carrots, beans or peas. Hard boiled egg and small yogurt for a snack. Water, water, water (or black decaf coffee).

You seem to be cutting out those sugars and carbs, but maybe you need to add protein?
Don't get discouraged! That weight gain is prolly from going to the gym and building muscle. Muscle weighs more than fat and when you start an exercise routine you will notice a slight weight gain before the weight loss actually kicks in.

I'm on the weight loss mission myself, but I only need to lose maybe 15ish pounds....If you ask my BF, he says I look fine and he would actually like me to be a bit "thicker" LOL! I'm 32, 5' 7" and currently weigh in at, I've actually lost weight since my last weigh in (about 2 months ago), I was at 160....

I managed to lose a ton of weight right before I got pregnant. I lost 30 pounds in a matter of maybe 3 months. I started eating more throughout the day, small snacks and small meals. I was also drinking Green tea, I got the Arizona brand with Asia Plum flavor.....and was drinking lots of water on top of that. I was working 2 jobs at the time as well, one in nursing and one part time sales, when I had slow times I would walk the sales floor.

Keep it simple and try not to "limit" or "cut out" the things you love all together...this will only create failure....cutting back is good, but don't eliminate the things you enjoy the most all together.

Seriously, try what I did for 2 weeks and see how it works for you.

-Drinks lots and lots of water or try the Green tea. I can't stress how important this is! Not only does it hydrate your body, but it cleanses as well!! You should be drinking 64 ounces of water per day.
-Take the stairs instead of the elevator or park a little farther away when you go to the store etc. Be as active as possible even if it's just walking a few laps around the house.
-Snack throughout the day, the key is small snacks and light meals.
-Eat SLOWLY! When you eat slowly you "feel full" faster. This also gives your brain time to catch up to your stomach and recognize you are full before being "stuffed".

PLEASE, please , please...try to stay away from the weight loss pills, they are just horrible! If you think you are having issues with low metabolism, try checking with an herbal store to find something a little more natural for that assistance. I've tried several on the market and they made me jittery and just all around not feel well.

Weight loss doesn't have to be a battle, it only is if you let it be. They key is to think of it more as a reorganization of habits and not focus on that scale!!

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