Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

Don't beat yourself up! Consider it "casual tuesday" or whatever "dieters" call their cheat day.
You can't be so hard on yourself when trying to "be good" and lose weight. ALWAYS remember that!
Be good to yourself!
Yeah I wouldn't worry about it, if there is one thing I've learned is not to DIET! its make a life change in your eating, if its something you know you can't do or your goin to struggle don't do it, make your eating plan something you can work with. You like a Big Carl combo well so be it treat ya self to one ever so often just dont make it an everyday thing. I work with a few ladies that "diet" and then they'll stop the diet and gain back what they lost plus more. If you make a change in something you know you can keep up then you can keep your weight. For example Cutting out carbs work, but are you willing to never eat carbs again, eating 1200 calories a day will drop the lbs too but can you realistically eat just 1200 calories a day for the rest of your life. Also the slower you loose the weight the easier it is to keep it off. I say today was your free day and I bet it was GOOOOD!!!
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A1 Steak sauce It's okay, I did worse. I had a handful of barbecue chips for breakfast, and a soda and Reese's for lunch. WHAT WAS I THINKING?!?!?! I dunno, but bet that doesn't happen again
I was busy, but not busy enough to excuse eating like that. No wonder I'm big!!! Thought I'd say that before someone else does
We all have duh days. Tomorrow it's veggies ALL day to make up the diff!!!
I'm going to take a leap!
I'm working on a group of my girlfriends to join a gym. They have several fun classes and I think it would be fun to go a couple of times a week as a group!!
After the baby comes I'm definitely jumping on the losing weight wagon!! I'll probably try changing my eating habits and hiking. It seems that I didn't gain the weight until I stopped eating right and exercising so it makes sence if I start again off the weight will come.

BtW- the computer puts on at least 20 lbs
Ive been there. It has to do with gaining muscle under the fat but not doing enough cardio exercise to burn the fat off. Maybe if you lay low on the weights or whatever and start walking or running, anything that gets your heart rate up will help burn the fat. After you loose the weight then you can start on muscle building. Hope this helps!

I had a personal trainer come through my cashier line today. Told her about what had happened, and she asked if I had been eating regularly. As in, every 4 hours or so, 2 hours if at all possible. Well...I hadn't been. I had been trying to get my meals further apart. APPARENTLY, that makes your body go into "starvation" mode. It causes you to retain absolutely everything instead of losing it.

I gave up reading after 5 pages - COUNT ME IN.

Ok - I refuse to step on the scale until Jan 31 - It will just make me want to SCREAM.

I need to lose about 30 lbs.

TIP: I keep a bag of ORANGES in the house. When I am craving something sweet - I go peel an orange. The peeling of it keeps me busy and the natural sugars takes care of the craving.
I eat once a day, its the only way I have been able to loose weight. I know it isnt healthy but nothing else works for me. I make sure I drink a lot of water and sometimes eat a fat free snack about noon then eat a filling supper. Im really not hungry until then anyway. I guess we each just have to find what works for us then go with it. I lost 20 pounds in August when I started this diet, then have lost about 2 pounds a week since then, would have been more if I had stuck with it through the holidays! LOL I walk about 20 minutes a day as well although im just now getting started back on that in at least a month. I dont have a treadmill but we have a lil road here that has a steep incline and it is a big workout to get back up it and there isnt any other way to get back home other than going back up that hill. It really helps me feel a lot better too, I have a lot of problems with my knees and hips and im hoping that if I get the weight off that the pain will stop. I didnt walk today and I ate chicken enchiladas for supper so I dont think I lost any today!

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