Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

I had a personal trainer come through my cashier line today. Told her about what had happened, and she asked if I had been eating regularly. As in, every 4 hours or so, 2 hours if at all possible. Well...I hadn't been. I had been trying to get my meals further apart. APPARENTLY, that makes your body go into "starvation" mode. It causes you to retain absolutely everything instead of losing it.

I posted this early in the thread. It's a 1500cals in 6 meals a day plan. I LOVE it. I also wasn't eating enough in the beginning. When I follow this plan I'm never hungry and w/3 days in the gym I'm losing a steady 1.5-2lbs a week. Until Christmas and NY's weeks but I'm back on track now!
That is very interesting - the whole eat frequently instead of spreading meals out.

That goes directly against the dieter who only eats one meal a day.

I make it my policy not to do anything while dieting that I wouldn't want to do for the rest of my life. If I don't embrace this policy then I will gain all my weight back
Checking in. Still snowy and yucky so DH drove me to the gym for my walk. Got in a mile and a 1/2 in 30 mins and used weights while walking.

Weighed in at the cardiologist and have lost 2 lbs since my last visit there just before the holidays.

Munching on an apple and thinking I need to get some housework done!

Have a great day everyone!
Morning all!! just ate 2 plain ego waffles about 200 calories.
Plan on goin and doin my kettlebell work out, feedin and waterin critters (after I get hot from my work out, maybe the cold will feel good)LOL
I am stopping before work (i work the evening shift today) Grabbin me a burger and fries from a lil deli below my house I'm thinkin burger is about 700 calories and fries 400= 1100 calories
That'll leave me 300 to play around on for an afternoon snack or not.... I know it sounds crazy but it worked before and its something I can live with...and it worked before...
Did 15 min. yesterday on the treadmill at an incline of 5. Then walked with my husband, not far, but hey! I wasn't sitting here on this computer chair. Last night for dinner we had my eggplant parm. I baked the eggplant first with an egg wash instead of breading and frying it. Made homemade egg noodles with my girls eggs and my new standmixer! Fun. But I need the pasta attachment now. Tonight, homemade turkey soup!!

Taking my Mom to lunch today, (every Wednesday) I try to encourage her to eat more, she weighs about 100 lbs. So we'll probably go get Mexican. But they have a great chicken chipotle soup that I may get. (Yes, I can do soup twice in one day)

Very good cndula.

I'm noticing that everywhere I go someone is trying to get rid of their Christmas cookies and candies. The local bank, antique shops, other people's houses, baskets and trays of cookies and fudge.

And I didn't have one bite! I looked but kept my hand in my pocket.
Every little bit helps.
I weighed in this morning on my wii fit and I'm down 2.6 pounds. Anyone that has a wii, I seriously reccomend the EA sports active. It is an awesome workout and it's kicking my butt. LOL
I think the 6 meals a day plan may actually make some sense. I mean, for people who work, they get up and eat breakfast, then eat something on break, then eat lunch, then eat something on break again then eat supper and a snack later on. It would be a perfect routine to follow, as long as you ate healthy, low calorie foods. I dont think it would work for me but It does sound like a good idea.
Thanks guys, I tend to get mad about that kind of stuff easy (probably too easy sometimes lol.) So when's the official weigh-day anyway?

Good job JewellFarm, that's always fun to see, huh?

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