Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

siz, don't get discouraged.
Sounds like you are doing the right things, just keep trying.
well somehow I put on 2lbs
dont know what I did wrong this week but I am not a happy camper!I HOPE that it is just muscle weight.I have been running at night with my dogs and pushing hard!my heart rate watch said I burn 300 cals in 20 minutes.

I'd say your right, since you've been running your gettin muscle in your legs, soon those extra muscles will help start burning fat...
Remember, scales only tell weight, not how much fat you have lost. Building muscle adds good weight.

I have lost 40lbs so far since Sept....... cutting out a lot of carbs. Still more to go... but it's going, I've went down a dress size or 2
Be careful! If you cut down too much on those carbs, your body will start making ketones from your muscles to keep your brain functioning.

That being said, has anyone else calculated their BMR? (Metabolic rate?)

I did and I'm supposed to be eating 2068 calories simply to survive. So what did cutting my calorie intake do? Me = starvation mode. Make SURE you know what you need to do before you go ahead and do it!
Well I ordered a Nintendo Wii with Fit Plus and the Sports package. When we were in NY my daughter was playing with it and she really got a work out. So I ordered it and it'll be here tomorrow. I'm so excited!!

I've been scrolling through some of the posts and I wanted to say that those of you that are jumping on the scale daily....KNOCK IT OFF!! LOL

You can gain and lose 2 to 3 lbs in a couple of hours depending on what you eat or drink. If you eat something that has too much sodium, your body will retain fluids making you think you gained 2 lbs when in reality its water weight and will go away quickly. (yea I know, listen to the fat lady) LOL

Anyway, you really should only weight yourself once a week and preferably at the same time each week. Some people get so scale obsessed. Relax, drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. If you don't like water, here's some tips to get it in....

Put a slice of lemon, lime, orange into your water to flavor it.
Add a little cranberry juice, orange juice, apple juice..etc to flavor it.
Add Crystal light to your water.

Most of all....RELAX!!!! Good luck everyone!


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