Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

I'm the same way... no self control and I get on major soda kicks. The trouble with soda is that you start jonesin for the caffeine. Find a green or black tea that you enjoy straight up (or learn to enjoy it, you will after a few days) and drink that instead of soda. Do not add sugar to your tea, and don't drink diet soda. Diet soda has been linked to weight gain and it is horrible for your teeth. I'm a dental hygienist, so you have to listen to me. HORRIBLE for your teeth.

I have trouble resisting snacking when I feed my 2 year old, especially if he won't eat it. I hate wasting food. Plus, eating makes me feel like I'm doing something productive. I'm always shocked at how the handfuls of cheerios and random m&ms pack on the calories. When I'm being good about entering everything I eat onto, it makes me think twice about all those little nibbles. It makes me hold myself accountable for all the little things that add up. Sometimes I don't think about it until I've popped the food into my mouth... I've actually gone to the trash and spit it out.

Don't starve yourself or make your diet a punishment. If you do that you'll binge later. Allow yourself to have one piece of chocolate a day! Get those little individually wrapped ones, look forward to it, and savor it. Enjoy your chocolatey moment. It helps you stick to your diet.

This is getting really long, I'm sorry, I'm hyping myself up more than anything, I hope I'm being helpful and not annoying. But just one more little thing! It is almost impossible to do an uninterrupted hour workout with kids, but every little bit helps. Do situps while your youngest sits on your tummy, or lift him over your head and set him down over and over. He'll love it. Do jumping jacks with them. Run around like a maniac chasing them, half running in place so they can keep up. Google "stroller exercises" and look them up on youtube. Do those while the 4 year old rides a bike or joins in. I do lunges and squats while my 2 year old sits in the bath and laughs at me. It helps boost your metabolism, and burning a few calories here and there is better than burning none.

Oooo thanks for all the tips!!!!!
Mine was $399, but I don't see the same package that I purchased available now. Mine had the wii, board, wii fit game, dual chargin dock with fan, rechargeable battery pack, carrying bag, sports game, wheel, and a bunch of other stuff.
I guess it's been a few days since I was here but I've been good ,been doing the Wii fit . I've ordered the biggest loser game. can't wait till it gets here. I'm still flirting with the vegan thing although today I had some egg salad with home made mayo. So I guess it's an Epic Fail today.

I'm going to weigh myself tomorrow wish me luck!
I am trying something a little different. I searched the web for a good homemade cabbage soup recipe which has next to nothing calories in it. It tastes really good and makes a lot of it. I've been eating this before I eat dinner every evening and I eat a lot less and feel full a lot faster. I'm not weighing myself again until my days off, so I will let eveyone know then how it's going with weight loss.
Thanks Terrielacy for the link! I did this over twenty years ago (when I only needed to lose a few pounds, LOL!) I can't remember if it made me gassy
--anyone have trouble with that on this diet?
this will sound HORRIBLE! And i have no scale to prove this, but i can just see a difference starting in my body (my extra winter coat around my belly). BUT! and im not saying you all should do this. Did anyone know that coffee is like a natural laxative? (Gross i know). But does it do that to you?
When i get hungry, i drink a cup of coffee... then im not hungry anymore. I'm not STARVING myself, just making the "hunger feeling" go away, so i dont eat everything in sight. Here is when i make a healthy choice. By doing this, i dont eat as much as i normally would if i were eating off the hunger pains. And after drinking a coffee... youll be in the bathroom (maybe thats me?). LOL!!!

I dunno! am i crazy!??!?!?!
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Checking in-

Starting Weight-148# [1-1-10]
Goal Weight-125# [maybe less]
Current Weight-141#
Height-5' 4''

WOOHOO! 7 pounds in 11 days! Hopefully it will be 14 pounds in 22 days! lol I have been doing good. Staying away from pop and chocolate milk and ice cream. My splurge was a filet-o-fish and a small frappe at McDonalds yesterday at 7 pm. But that was my dinner. Been having cereal for breakfast. Thats it. For lunch today I am having a 460 calorie french bread pizza. I know that is bad, but it is very filling, and yummy. I might have 1/2 a can on Pepsi, since it has been a week since my last can of pop. I just can't wain till I am thin! I am so excited. All of my friends are just slightly overweight, including me, so I can't wait to be the first to get slim! Maybe others will follow. Start a slim chain! I am currently wearing my fav pair of jeans. They fit perfect, but I haven't worn them in at least a month or two because I was too fat. Can't wait till they are lose! I can then pull out my fancy show belt [for showing horses and livestock] until I get new jeans. I feel good, but I am sure I will feel at lot better 15-20 pounds from now!
Way to go Nupine. A slim chain. I like that. I love that fact that those people will be getting healthier too.

Bell, I just had my natural laxative. I think I'll go weigh myself.

I tried that cabbage soup diet a long time ago. I really like cabbage but didn't lose any weight. Some of my sisters did.

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