Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

Well down 1.3lbs today. Hopefully I won't be up that much or more tomorrow.

I tried yesterday and found it sort of interesting. I wasn't eating as many calories as I thought. I was at 1512 last night but that was after I decided to have a treat and had a small piece of chocolate cake. I'm also eating more carbs than I really should. I will try and include more low-carb items so I'm getting enough calories and not too many carbs. The only problem is I can never find any low-carb options that I really like enough to try more than once.

Anyone have any good low-carb recipes?
Just checking in. Made it to the gym today for my walk. 2 miles is becoming a piece of cake...figuratively of I even managed to pass that hip replacement guy on the track... *wink*.

Addicted to baby spinach salads. Just use different proteins for variety...chicken, shrimp and even some venison.

Have a great week everyone!
Chicky Joy - you can google "low carb recipes" there's a ton out there. I was going to go on the scale this morning to see if cutting back all week made any difference, but I chickened out. I'm going to wait one more week and gingerly step on that scale! I did notice my pants not feeling too tight.
For those of you looking for low carb real food recipes and ideas, try this link.
We love Real Food Wednesdays, especially.
But, make sure and read this post,

THis book changed my life.
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration, by Weston A Price
The book can be read online here, but you can order it from Amazon as well.

In brief, Dr Price was the Dentist who in the 1930's studied isolated groups of people living on a traditional diet and compared their health to those living on a westernised diet. Those people living on a traditional diet had less than 1% tooth decay, were in excellent health, gave birth with ease and consistently reproduced their racial form. Whereas those people of the same racial stock who ate a western diet suffered from rampant tooth decay and degenerative disease; the women often had complications in child birth and there was considerable deviation from the racial form in their children.


Circling the world in the 1920s and '30s, Dr Price and his wife found the same sinister pattern among 'primitive' populations, whether isolated Irish fishermen, tribal Africans, Pacific Islanders, Eskimos, North and South American Indians or Australian Aborigines. Those groups that followed their traditional nature-based diets enjoyed good health and vigour, and those that turned to the 'civilised' diet of processed, sugar-laden foods soon developed a variety of ills, including misshapen bones and teeth - and the situation worsened with each generation.

Dr. Price's fascinating accounts of his discoveries, and the extensive photo documentation he provides, drive home the nutritional truths that are only now gaining general understanding, and Nutrition and Physical Degeneration remains an unequalled source of basic information - a "must for anyone seriously interested in the effects of food on health." (Robert M. Cathcart, M.D.)

OH, Forgot to add. I am back on track. Lost 2 pounds since Friday

DH is going to start doing Pilates with me again, as Bear season starts in a mere 4 months. Got to be in shape for all that mountain hiking!
I am excited to hunt for the first time since I dropped all my gluten induced brain fog
Should be way better this time around!​
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Thanks for the links PaulaJoAnne. I've spent a lot of time looking for low carb recipes online and have had trouble finding any that are all that appealing to eat on a regular basis.

I just got done with my Wii Fit exercises for the day. I've become addicted to the snowball fight game, even though it doesn't burn that many calories it is great fun.

I was also sort of excited because I measured my waist earlier and I've lost an inch since about two weeks ago or so.
Your welcome.
I have easily lost around 20-30 inches, (from all measurments) just by eating real traditional foods, including lots of real fats like raw butter, coconut oil and home rendered lard.
I have cheekbones again
And about 75% less cellulite then a year ago.
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The majority of the office staff at Ideal Poultry has a challenge going this year. We each put 10.00 in and will pay $2.00 for each pound we gain. At the end of each quarter the one that lost the most % wise will get the pot plus $250.00 that Ideal Poultry is donating. The best part is at the end of the year the cummulative winner will get $750.00 and the second place person will get $500.00 from Ideal Poultry.

Good Luck everyone!
I am also trying to lose wieght and am embarresed at school becouse I suck so bad at so many things in gym lol.There is ths new product called the air climber has anyone tried it out its suppose to work very well.

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