Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

Not a bad day today..I probable ate way to much left over chili, but could have been worse. I think it's getting close to that time of month because I am craving chocolate. I ran out to the store for some No pudge brownie mix to have on hand, I'll probable stock up on some other WW treats so I dont completely blow it. Tomorrow is weigh in, Im a little scared afraid I didn't do to well this week, maybe it's cause I feel so bloated from the chili.

Good luck everyone this weekend, I know they can be a challenge. I really want to have a good weekend w/o going off and eating out of control.
Just my own experience ... if i am craving something... then just have a small amount.. because if i dont i will eat the cupboards bare if i try to satisfy with a substitution

chocolate = a granola bar with chocolate chips
potato chips = the mini single serving pringles
sweets = rockets or the halloween size fuzzy peach slices, or licorice
I MUST be losing my mind!! I have set a date to quit sucking butts(smoking) as well as this weight loss thing...of which I am proud to be succeeding at BTW
I quit Monday, let's experiment and see if it tips the scale one way or the other. I weighed this morning 173. Monday is a weekend away! Wish me luck, and for those of u who do....PRAY!!!!!!!!!!
Good luck! I quit last May after smoking for 15 years. I joined a gym as a gift from my mom to help make it through the quitting process. That's when I took up Yoga. However, I weighed 165 lbs then with a goal to weight 150 at the time. I'm at 174 right now. So I'm not screaming success... but I am going to go ahead and blame it all on the holidays!
Just don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it. Like I had gum on hand, and nicotine gum as well just in case, and I always called my mom when I needed to scream and cry. My husband on the other hand just acted like he was fine all the time, and he started smoking again... and now he is trying to quit again all by himself cold turkey again. He won't take my help!

Anyone else expecting this Storm that is going to come through the Carolinas this weekend? Snow, Ice, Hale, Sleet? Well I'm afraid of being stuck in the house all weekend with food! Nothing to do, no where to go... no way to get to the gym or get out of here. Going to have to play a lot of family games, board games and such to keep busy. Hope this storm isn't so bad.
Good morning.... I fell off the wagon
Yesterday we had to go the the feed store. DH got his usual cinnamon gummy bears. I have been craving chocolate so I gave in and got choc. covered raisins. Then we go over to the grocery store next door, DH runs in to get some pears they had on sale, as I am waiting I see a big sign on the front of the store "Paczki's are Here". I crawl over the dog to get out of the truck and go in the store on the pretense of writing a check for DH. He hates writing checks. Anyway we come out with a bunch of pears and a box of Paczki's. My biggest weakness is doughnuts!
OH! You just made me realize, I've had chocolate cravings because of mother nature's evil gift... so I bought myself the Chocolate Light Silk (soy milk) and I was sooooooo shocked at how good it was! Totally took care of my craving. I also bought sugar free Kozy Chocolate pudding. 60 calories a serving and yummy! Go check them out!

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