Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

50 lbs, now that's a wonderful accomplishment. How long has it taken you? I need to lose 50-60 myself, I know I can do it, just seems like a long road. I also love your site, very nice top hats & other critters. I love the fainting goats, this sound's weird but I suffer from the same thing the fainting goats do. I've had myotonia muscular dystrophy my whole life, my muscles just freeze up and takes them many seconds to relax. If I get knocked off balance my whole body get's rigid and I can't regain my balance and end up falling, I've learned to be very careful. I've read it doesn't hurt the goats, but I wonder if there is any truth to that, cause I can tell you from a human stand point and suffering from myotonia myself it's painful, the constant contractions of the muscles leaves them very sore and fatigue.
It's been since about Aug - Sept. I started out slow and worked my way into it. Man, that sounds so painful. I suffer from Fibro M myself, but at least I don't lock up.... the goats seem to just go one with things like it never happened and they faint to various degrees depending on how startled they are. People will try to scare them on purpose, but they are pretty use to that now... mostly they faint when they get in trouble....
You've lost the weight pretty quickly, what has been your method of weight loss? Right now I'm doing Weight watchers, I've always liked the program, I just cant seem to work it all the way through, I hope this time around I can make it work. As far as the muscle thing, I guess I've learned to just live with it I've had it as far back as I remember. I don't worry so much about falling because I've learned to be careful. The muscle aches and pain's I've also learned to manage, it's probable like your Fibro M some days are worse then others, I also know what my limitations are. Anyway congrats on your weight loss that is quite the accomplishment, you must feel wonderful.
I have been out in the snow all day with my 3 year old running and running and pulling her in her sled (trash can lid) all over the yard. I got a good daily work out for sure! Drinking some coffee with cocoa powder and soy milk as a treat though to warm up
You've lost the weight pretty quickly, what has been your method of weight loss? Right now I'm doing Weight watchers, I've always liked the program, I just cant seem to work it all the way through, I hope this time around I can make it work. As far as the muscle thing, I guess I've learned to just live with it I've had it as far back as I remember. I don't worry so much about falling because I've learned to be careful. The muscle aches and pain's I've also learned to manage, it's probable like your Fibro M some days are worse then others, I also know what my limitations are. Anyway congrats on your weight loss that is quite the accomplishment, you must feel wonderful.

I'm staying away from things high in carbs. I also had lapbanding done, but most of this was lost before the surgery. I've lost weight before, just couldn't keep it off, I hope I can this time. Last time I lost 75lbs while hubby was gone on deployment by cutting out carbs. i didn't tell him, so he was shocked..... but he is a tooth pick and can eat whatever and not gain a lb. Makes dieting very hard until now....
Hey everyone, keep up the good work! I've been lurking on this thread for awhile now and thought I'd post. I originally weighed 252 pounds back in Dec of 08 and started working out. I lost about 30 pounds, by cutting down on carbs and eliminating junk food totally. Then I stalled and basically stopped dieting. In Sept of 09 I joined WW and have since dropped 40 lbs through their program and exercising like a fiend. My starting weight was 233 and I am down now to 192. I like the WW program because it keeps me accountable, haven't gone to a meeting in a couple of weeks because I started a cleaning job at night, talk about long days!! I actually wanted to post a drink that I've been making, since I've given up Dunkin' Donuts as part of a NY's resolution to watch my money.

I use 1/4 c of organic skim milk (health benefits only), Swiss Miss sugar free hot chocolate, your favorite coffee and cinnamon. I pour in my favorite travel mug or large ceramic mug-the skim milk, the chocolate and pour coffee up to the top. Mix it up and sprinkle a bit of cinnamon on it and voila! Dunkaccino without all the big bucks and calories!! Love this thing and it is my morning treat, and I swear it curbs my appetite! If I want to be really decadent, I'll put a bit of the fat free ready whip on top and a drizzle of sugar free hershey's syrup.

Another round of applause to y'all!!! Don't forget to drink your water!! lol
Always need to lose weight by mid-winter, so I got back on the best diet I've found, low-carb. I can eat all of the meat, cheese, eggs and lettuce with blue cheese dressing I want to and I've lost 10 lbs in the past 3 wks.
I sometimes get the urge for something sweet, then get out the low-carb cheesecake, eating a piece now.
Yeah, another traditional foodie!!
Real food, always works!
Just so you know, I live quite close to you, and teach traditional food classes off and on.
I haven't posted in a couple weeks, but here goes. I started 1-1-10. I weighed 148. I am down to 138. Not after starving myself though, but like after dinner today. So am doing pretty well, I'd say. My jeans that were tight, I now need a belt a little bit with, and I am feeling better. It is too cold to exercise though.
Haven't drank much pop at all. I am ''trying'' to eat more real food, although I just licked the frosting bowl from when my mom made a couple cakes for church. My goal is 120 by like March or April, I am 5' 4''.
I noticed everyone has done a lot more food cutting then I have, and I feel guilty... I am not cutting much other then, no sugar in the coffee, trying more soy products and cutting out soda. Other then that, I really eat healthy. (Still trying to break the eating after 8pm, so hard!)

I was whining to my husband about it earlier and how I've had little movement, but I'm generally healthy... and Ive increased my work out and my weight just isn't moving.

He pointed out how much water I don't drink!!! Oh my goodness... I've always been so bad about drinking water! Anyone else have this issue or made changes? More water help, really?

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