Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

Vfem....yep, the water helps alot.

When you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated. Its your bodies way of saying... help

I love water! And have no trouble drinking my 64 ounces a day. I probably drink beyond that. DD told me the other day if I was ever lost in a desert, I would die in 10 minutes from lack of water. lol.

Drink. Drink. Drink.
Arrrr, I've been stranded in my house for several days unable to get out of my driveway because of all the ice, with nothing but junk food laying around, and I can't even get the garage door open yet to get the excersise stuff out. So I've gained a half pound or more (my scale's battery's running low, it said anywhere from 177, 177.5, and 180 lol, I have no idea. All I know is I'm no longer 176 lol.) So yeah, I'm a little mad lol. Today I'm going to do better if it kills me!
I haven't posted since my first weigh in post in the beginning. To be honest, it has been a slow start. I am not going to diet this time though. I am trying to just eat healthier in general and take better care of myself. Approach it with a different attitude and just let the weight loss be a result of the changes. Well, the last 2 weeks I have been making good choices and I noticed last week when I was getting dressed for work, my pants weren't squeezing me in half the way they had been. According to the scale, I am at 163, which means I have lost only 4 lbs but it feels like more. I have not started exercising yet because the weather is crappy/snowy/icy and we still need to take all our christmas decorations back to storage. Right now those boxes are barracading the treadmill. Everyone has been doing so good on here! Keep up the good work!!
Yes..I also have a very hard time with getting my water down. I might drink 24 oz if Im lucky a day, I dont know cause I really don't keep track. Haven't really been to concerned with it yet, cause I'm losing and doesn't seem that water is an issue. Maybe I should drink more, but it doesn't seem my body is asking for it.
Everyone remember the conversation about PB2? I've been trying to find it, and every site I check is out of stock including bell planatation themselves! If anyone finds it, will you post the site? Thanks!
This sounds very good. Thanks for sharing, Im going to give it a try.

I tried this this morning and it was very good. I miss my mocha's so this really filled the void.
I tried to break by eating pizza last night and mac and cheese today...

However I couldn't keep it down
This was not very good eats at all.

I really am craving a fresh salad. I wish it was spring or summer so I could have some crisp fresh veggies and not worry about getting them from the store.
Way too pricey!
OMG PB2 rocks!! I use it every morning on my rice cakes with bananas or just pb2 and sugar free raspberry jam on ww toast/muffins or rice cakes. I buy it at naturtyme up here, but they said they will be out until mid feb, so I stocked up. Have you tried the chocolate pb2?
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