Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

Down 2 more lbs
that scale is your worst enemy!!! Weight yourself once every two months and you will be encouraged. Seriously - get rid of that thing and go weight yourself now and then at GNC!!!
I remember when reading this thinking how much that would suck.
Fast forward two days
Guess who's fireplace is suddenly not working and we're at a high of 28 today. AWESOME. And we live in the basement part of a house sooooo the fireplace was our only source of heat and dehumidifying. DH can't figure it out. Pilot light went out, and today he finally got the pilot light lit again after veryifying there was still 3/4 tank of gas and the snow HADN'T knocked the line loose, but yet we can't get the actual fire to kick on the way it's supposed to not even with it off of 'remote' and on 'on'. He's been reading the manual in his few spare moments today and looking for troubleshooting, otherwise we're hoping the gas ppl will come out tmrw before they close but it's already down to 58 in here and it just started this morning. The temp itself isn't bad, but it's the dampness that makes it bad too. My 8 week old chicks are going to be getting used to those lower temps I guess for now! Maybe this will allow me to put them outside sooner LOL
And you're right...not much of an appetite. Thirsty but that's it. Oh and I ate some hot oatmeal earlier that went well but certainly didn't stimulate my appetite at all!
I am looking more for inches than pounds at this point. I have lost 6 lbs in January but my clothes feel looser and I sure have more energy. When I leave the gym, I am ready to take on the world. lol.
Got some free weights and spend about 15 mins with them before I head to the gym for 30 mins of speed walking and 15 on the cycle. I get to the gym 4 times a week but do the weights every day.

I am not craving sweets at all. I think that the yogurt helps there. Just enough sweet to take the edge off.

Now if I could just get away from needing something crunchy at bedtime, i would be in great shape

Keep up the good work everyone!!
I'd like to join your thread. I lost 13 in jan but lost momemtum and need some support.
I went to the gym last night... did push ups... did weights... ran 2 miles.... cycled 1.2 miles before my legs gave out! Ever part of my body is screaming at me in hatred!!! What was I thinking?!

I need to quit the gym... I need to quit the gym... I need to quit the gym.... but I won't! (Darn contracts)
Ok so I robbed my parents tread mill. I started yesterday. Walked for 30 minutes at a brisk walk. Said I burned 120 calories. Cool beans. So anyway, should I eat breakfast before or after I walk? I havent a clue. Ive been watching my calories and my carbs but really have only lost a pound or two in a month. I figured I need to get off my butt and excersize some.
Alright, been a while since I checked in, hit a real bad rough patch and gained a few pounds back, but now I've lost them and then some. I'm now 175, so only about 15lbs from my 'goal' (though I'll probably decide to drop more when I get there lol.)
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my mom ordered a cool new type of treadmill and we got it last night it was just a workout lugging the thing up all the stairs but we got it up
.Now im going to be on it 30 mins a day and no more junk food for me!

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