Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

Well, I am not necessarily looking to lose a huge amount of weight....just 10-20lbs....and getting healthier and feeling better about myself. I have had some health problems in the last 6 months and I am so tired of it. I gave up soda in the last week or two, only drinking water, green tea, cranberry juice, lemonade, and lots of red wine (LOL) margaritas (I live a stressful life, ok?). Trying to eat healthier, been having subway a couple time a week and trying to at least eat a healthy breakfast. Going to be joining the gym in the next week or so....plan on going at least 3 time a week after work for an hour-ish.

Just went through a breakup and need something to keep me occupied. I also went to the doctor a few weeks ago and was 20 pounds heavier than my heaviest weight ever. Had a crazy stomach thing going and ended up in the ER one night....Definitely need to get healthy.
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Well, I managed to lose a pound this week, how I don't know lol. I've been sitting around doing nothing all this week, ate almost 2000 cal. for the last 5 days in a row, but hey, it's not like I'm complaining at all lol.
Checking in to say hello. Have not been getting to the gym as often but have hardly sat down during the day. We are remodeling the kitchen and DD's bedroom so lots of work to be done.
Hope it is burning some calories!
been very busy with school work and only went FAR over pts one night bc I caved and got a mcflurry from mcdonalds (big mistake!) weighed yesterday morning and back up to 158.5! ugh!!! Not had time to excersise and havent been feeling well to top it off. but tonight I'm studying for an early test tmrw and playing wii fit with DS in between sections lol!
Don't starve yourself, Supplement, junk food with portein.
Drink plent of water, especially before you eat. say 1 glass before a meal.
also try eating on a smaller plate rather than a large one. keep busy most peolple eat when they are board.

Boiled eggs,
Baked Almonds, ect.

I lost 100 lbs,

I lost like 17 lbs in 9 days
and after that like 15-20 a month.
also I used a full body cleanse.
Didn't somebody on here tell me they really liked EA active? Well I couldnt decide what to get so we had gotten Wii Fit Plus AND EA Active! I had been doing wii fit plus and really liking it with all the games and activities and such but I have to say I wasn't really impressed with the "burn" nor the calorie count I got from it. (It seemed like only burning 2-4 cal after 2 minutes of activity to me wasn't much (I'm used to burning 300 cal in 30 min on elliptical) so today I tried EA Active and I am the QUEEN of QUADS in my house...and I can barely walk!!! it certainly gave me a workout and I didnt even do a workout geared towards legs specifically... I hate to think if I had! Plus it was a little better calorie wise as I burned 120 in 20 minutes. The only thing I dont like is that is doesn't keep track of your weight the way Wii fit does. In fact it really doesnt use the balance board at all.
Just thought I'd put that out there for anyone trying to decide or thinking about getting it!
Also wanted to share, DH and I had very good sandwhiches last night for dinner since we were short on time- Wheat bread, 1 slice part skim provolone cheese, sliced lean turkey breast lunch meat, tomatoe, dijon mustard. Put sandwhich together, and toast in a smidge of olive oil rather than butter...mmm it was soooooo good! And the while thing was only 5 points!
oh and ehhhhh
after my bad habits and feeling large this past week, I still lost a pound. That means it's only been 1/2 pound in two weeks. UGH. I am going skiing for my birthday this weekend so that should help. I cant wait until spring break in a week... I'll have time to excersise more than 1/2 hour every 4 days! LOL
chickensducks&agoose :

I need to lose 40 pounds this year. I think I can do it, right? So I thought maybe a few of you would want the same thing maybe, and we could sort of support each other a little bit. I only have 2 real friends, and they are both super thin... so no help there. anyway, If you want to, we can either post current weights, or amounts lost/gained each week or so... and maybe any hints, or super tasty low fat snacks... anyone else in?

I did this diet called dieabetes yep it helped me lose weight quick so I can tell you what I did to lose the weight quick....

1) cut out all sugar use slpenda or one of those
2) start drinking diet sodas (it will take about a week to get used to it but it does happen easiest way is to drink orange sunkist or a&w root beer why a&w it is the strongest so you don't notice the diet taste as bad
3) limit your carbs to 60-75 carbs per meal eat 3 meals a day with 2 snacks of 30 carbs in between
4) last but not least drink at least an 8 ounce glass of water before you eat it will make you feel full faster it is hard the first couple of weeks belive I know but you do get used to it after awhile and it becomes second nature I don't even count anymore I just know what I can and can't have so I don't need that second-third-fourth helping of anything anymore.

Feel free to send a pm my way if you need to know anything else

Good Luck to you. I have faith in you,you can do it.........Trust me if I can anybody can heck I even stopped smoking after being a heavy smoker of 28 years and never went off my diet.​
I'm glad to hear you guys are doing well. And still going...

I'm so depressed I've lost track of everything. I just cook for the family and eat whatever without a second thought. I still work out... but I got sick last week and its been a week since I went to the gym. I have to find me a motivator again!!!
I bought a juicer today. Was inspired by Dave the Raw Food Trucker. It was neat to see the videos and watch him loose weight.My dh needs to do this because he has type 2 Diabetes.

I don't have money for an expensive juicer,but my $50 one is doing well. Doing the walk at home videos.No major loss,but I will keep at it. I really just want my bp to go down so I can get off meds.

I hate this cold.I want to be outside.I found a house in Texas with 5 acres for 69k,but dh says it is to far from his work loads.Bummer it was a cool place.

Take care everyone and don't give up!
Well I have been going on my treadmill for 30 min a day now for just 4 days and I lost a pound,I wasnt even dieting!Now im gonna start eating healthy too.So when I come home from school im going on the treadmill for 30 mins while lifting a 2 lb wieght continuously in each arm.Then at 8:00pm im going on my Airstep for 30 mins too.I hope ill lose enough wieght to look good in a tux in washinton DC my school is going too...What do you guys think about all of this?

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