Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

pringle, that's great. Keep up the good work. Exercising and eating right , that's the key!
Thanks....Hey what do you guys think about Total cereal?Its the whole grain kind and it has alot of vitamins and minerals in it.Though it is processed so I dont know if I should eat it?I just started taking fish oil pills today
they arnt the best even when in pill form.
pringle, I don't really eat much cereal so I couldn't say anything about the Total . But as far as the fish oil, try putting it in the freezer. That is where we keep our, seems to help some.
I don't know about the Total you're talking about, but I've always liked regular Total...?

I just played wii fit for half an hour and burned 102 cal there, then I got on the elliptical during the first hour of biggest loser and burnt another 565! Woo hooo over 650 calories in an hour and a half! So I'm hoping for a good weigh in tmrw! I ate good all week except for the exception of cupcakes for my birthday but I did use a WW recipe to make them and I had one on my birthday and another the next night. I also had spaghetti tonight with regular noodles instead of my usual wheat because I was all out. I just limited my portion so I'm hoping that was ok.
For all those on WW here... (seems like everyone has drifted away again but hey I of all people know life gets CRAZY busy!) Do you know if there's anyway to convert calories burned into Activity Points? I am trying to figure out my AP for the wii, but since it's different activities the intensity is different so the only truely measureable thing I have to go by is calories and I'm having trouble converting them. It stinks that wii fit isn't an option for AP in the activity list! LOL
WOW! I've been busy and I thought I would be the one slacking!!! This thread has DIED! Noone but me has posted for 9 days!!! Well I hope you all are still eating well etc and just quit posting and not the diets!!!
Great job A1! (love the name btw) What's your secret?

Pampered, that's about where I am too. had a week or two with maybe only half a pound, but it's been 5 weeks since I haven't lost so as long as it keeps coming off I'm ok with that! And the weather around here is finally starting to get decent so I am starting to do more outside as well...THANK GOODNESS!
Is it too late to join this thread? I don't want to go back through all 73 who's doing well and who fell off the wagon??

I lost 40 pounds last year but I'm stuck now. I still need to lose about 25 more to get where I'd like to be. I'd like to get those 25 off this year. I do better when I just cut back and increase my activity.

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