Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?


After looking down at my 22W pants, I realized they were a bit big on me...I tried the dryer method and nope...still big. So I thought "I wonder..."

I tried on some "new" pants that I bought to help me lose weight. The first pair didn't fit. The second like a glove and is a bit big too!

They're 34 x 35.

I'm stoked! Approximate total loss: 20 lbs. only 80 more to go!
I've lost 17 lbs so far, mostly by drinking tea with my vitamins for breakfast, some fruit and veggies (sometimes some cottage cheese too) for lunch, and a regular dinner. Somehow if I start eating early in the day, I just keep eating... if i don't really have a big meal until dinner, I'm just not really hungry all day. So, from 167 to 150.. My 10 year reunion is in june... got to get at least another 15 off! Let's keep it up guys!
I have lost a mere 1.5 lbs since the end of December.
I started going to gym, eating way healthier, etc. My best friend, who is doing the same things (we are each other's dieting buddies
) has lost ~7 lbs just this month! Argh!! I went to the doctor, who told me my metabolism is just really jacked up right now and to go on a starvation diet of only a few hundred calories a day (online I found it referred to as a VLCD (Very Low Calorie Diet). He said I should take a multi-vitamin and that exercise is over-rated for weightloss.
I'm not sure I agree.
But, I am trying to cut more calories in a healthier way and signed up for Weight Watchers. We shall see.... at this rate, it's gonna take me 8 years to lose 50 lbs!
I think WW will help alot though. Especially since I can still cook at home and eat the way my husband and I like (lots of veggies, spices, etc).
It is REALLY good you disagree with that doctor. I did that after Brandon was born, and well, you have seen me lately. And that is AFTER I lost 60 lbs the old fashioned way.

You cannot go wrong focusing on natural foods. Fruits, veggies, whole grain - start making your own salad dressings and stuff and when you go to the store look at the labels - you will be SHOCKED how much of our food is made with high fructose corn syrup. Just getting rid of some of that will help immensely!
And stop drinking Coca-cola.....Dr. Pepper doesn't make me sick like Coke does...

Drinking non-caffeinated pops "in my mind" are supposedly better for you.

Wheat, whole grains, oats, fiber...yogurts, low-fat milk, Sonic.....

So I cheat every now and then..better to cheat than OD on sugar! WHICH by the way, after we finish this sugar we bought awhile ago, we are going with splenda.
Me personally? I stick with what is natural, with no additives. Sugar, butter, wheat flour, etc. It didn't kill my ancestors!!! Hard work did. And I know that some sweeteners are "derived" from natural products. I would just prefer the stuff that comes from the ground or an animal. Not a processing factory.
I've been doing the "Clean Eating Diet", & really like it. It's really not a "diet" like you go on, then stop once you lose weight, it's about changing your choices of foods to be as close to nature as possible. I've been trying forever to get the fam eating better, but hubby, AKA the "SugarDaddy", was no help with setting an example. He eats lots of food & loads of sugar right before bed. The kids (5 & 8 ) think that dessert comes after EVERY meal, & fruit does NOT count....But the doc said he's got high blood pressure, so now we're all on the wagon together, even if I do hear the wheels squeaking & groaning from time to time! LOL I feel much more energetic & don' t get those 2pm crashes like I used to. I've lost about 12lbs. Only 40 to go! Yay! Good luck to everyone!
good job Rodriguez!!!

I'm down 14 pounds total (we went to shadymaple this week and I was OFF the whole week since) so I've only lost about 3 lbs this month but I'll take it. I also started doing jillians 30 day shred and love it but it caused me to gain some weight too. Muscle I'm sure but its still hard to see. Oh well, doing a lot of cleaning lately for the holiday and not as much time to eat well and exercise with school nearing the end but hopefully I'll graduate in May and not have to worry about it taking all my time anymore!

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