Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

We can be like the biggest
Well I got through the birthday without eating much junk.
South Beach used to cost me a lot in eggs, but not anymore because I don't pay for my eggs. I make an omlet everyday, usually with mushrooms. And I mix some non-fat dry milk my parents give me from commodities. They get food from the 'food for seniors' and they only eat some of it. I trade them a few things for eggs. I am the only one in the house that likes the non-fat dry milk. I feel like it is good for what I am trying to do and its free, which is more than I can say for the other milk in the house.
Well today my 7 year old got a Cinderella costume as one of her gifts and she wanted to keep it in its box and I told her she could and we can put it in the closet near my wedding dress, which is also in a box. Well she said that I could put on my wedding dress for Father's Day and she could put on her Cinderella dress and I could do it if I start exercising. I said nothing......just listened. I had allowed her to take a shower with me a few days earlier........something I don't care to do often and I laid my pants on the floor and she remarked how big that pants was. The child is really helping me keep my resolve strong.
well today is monday

my breakfast was one whole egg and an extra yolk as i dont like the whites so i try to disguise it with extra yolk sunny side up no butter no bacon grease over a whole wheat toast

30 min brisk walk with the shape ups on

snack pineapple greek yogurt- chobani

couple of blackberries

1 potato chip (who says you cant have one)

2 sugar cookies

lunch 2 slices of ham and cheese and pickle wrapped in a fat piece of romaine lettuce

plenty of water

dinner will be bbq pork chops and green beans

3 small slices of watermelon
Wow, I'm am so glad to see all of those that are still in this, and all the newbies!!!
As far as I am concerned, I've only lost 1 pound since last time I posted, and my next step is to get back in the 130's!!! I am happy to be where I am even, I havent seen 140 in probably 6 years! I'm almost down 20 pounds and considering my life and school, and my sons health issues etc, I am very happy I've gotten that far in 5 months. School will hopefully be over for the rest of my life next week and I can really take time to get back into what HAD been my normal routine until I started failing! I can't wait! But for this week, it's studying for finals, trying to have healthy snacks, and not thinking much about my wt...I'll have all the time in the world for that after I make sure I pass! Keep up the good work everyone!
Hi, It's been a great week back on WW, I go in for my weigh in tomorrow, it'll be nice to see the results. I've had to physically tell myself I wasn't going to get on my scale here at home and just relie on my weekly weigh in's at weight watchers. I have a love hate relationship with my scale here at home, if it doesn't show me what I like I then sabotage what I'm trying to accomplish, so I've learned to ignore it. It's been a surprisingly easy week back on plan, so I'm off to a good start and I really want to keep it up.

My stats are
5'2 - 193 lbs
Goal-125 to 130

Keep up the good work everyone.
Back-slid a little today, but not nearly as much as I would have liked. Believe me I did exercise a lot of control. I was helping a young man on a serious job search and we hit a lucky try on our 4th stop and he went in for a physical and needs to be there tomorrow morning at 9am. After I dropped him off at the doctors office I went grocery shopping and found out I got paid for my eggs from sis-n-law and had an ice chest of squid waiting for me. That cancelled out me having any kind of time to prepare 3 dishes. I haven't finished cleaning seafood. I also have a bunch of flounders to work with. So I will wake up with the chickens to get an early start. I can't back-slide tomorrow. I have been doing so good. My face seems to look smaller first and that has already begun for me, so I need to keep on track.
Ok, I keep track of my excerise and what I eat on the website now.... and my goal weight seems to only be possible if I can keep my carlories under 1600 for the day. Plus I am walking every night after dinner for the family to set it off!

Today I had:
2 cups of coffee, cream and no sugar
1/2 banana
1/2 bagel with light creamcheese (1 tbsp)
Spanish rice with ground turkey for lunch (2 cups mixed)
1/4 fresh raw strawberries
3 potato chips (Lays Kettle cooked)
1 Duck egg omlet
1/4 cup grilled portobella mushrooms
2 oz bok choy grilled with olive oil and garlic on top of egg omlet
1 cup soy vanilla ice cream
1 tbsp hot fudge
2 12 oz bottle of Bud light lime beer

All this for 1544 calories! (I should have cut out the beer... but I deserved it after my 3 year old fought going to bed and fell down the stairs to get attention!!!)

I also was in the garden for about an hour today. My activites say I burned 2855 calories today. So that rocks! Tomorrow I am adding yoga and weights to the activity mix.

breakfast 1 egg yolk was in a hurry
1/4 subway footlong tuna sub and coca cola 10 salt and vinegar chips reeses whip bar
handful of blackberries
1 baked whiting fish fillet topped with green onions and 1/2 lemon squeezed over top
1 piece of romaine lettuce wrapped around 2 slices of ham 1 clice of cheese and a kosher pickle
lots of water
Breakfast- 1 eggo waffle with 1 tsp syrup
lunch- 1 1/2 cup nonfat plain unsweetened yogurt with
1/2 cup grape nuts and 3/4 cups raw strawberries
Dinner- (planned) 3 egg white + 1 yolk omelette with 2oz cheddar cheese.

carrots for snack.
also, jogged 5 miles last night.. slowly... and plan on 3.2 (5k) tonight!

DH gets leave in 6 weeks, so I want to be in good health, and have lots of.. endurance by then..

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