Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

Hello How you all doing? I was only down 2 lbs at weigh in which was a little discouraging, but Im still plugging ahead and going strong. I had a little slip up yesterday when I sent my husband for some Dairy queen, but I tracked the points and had plenty for the splurge. I miss eating, I know that sounds awful..but Im so use to eating a certain way that I feel a bit deprived. I've been doing pretty good making healthier choices (except last night) and staying on plan. I haven't introduced exercising yet, but I hope to get there, it's just going to take a bit of time to get into the groove of things.

Hope your all doing well.
I am on my 'on time' at the bridge and have been keeping myself busy making Raggedy Ann dolls. That is very low calarie. If I keep busy, I am better off, because I am less likely to eat something I shouldn't.
Yesterday my husband was talking to me after I woke up from my nap and was wishing he had a few gallons of blackberries to make wine with, so I went get him 3 and 1/2 gallons. That required a lot of stooping and bending and sweating. My 14 year old daughter came with me and she was complaining of being tired, but I had a limit I was going for. I was stiff when it was all over, but worked off a bunch of fat and we have a big batch of wine going........supposed to be able to make 5 gallons of wine with that plus the water and sugar.
I look smaller in my casual clothes and my face is smaller, but not to the point I want it yet. I might bring a few movies to the bridge and use my pedaler to do some light exercises. That would not be as productive as Raggedy Ann, but it would have more affect on my body.
If only I wouldn't have been so busy these past few days. I helped a young man get a job.....very time consuming. Today my son bought a second hand truck......also time consuming. And my son wants a job and is about to graduate from High School...again. But it is all necessary things and they are done.
Well keep up the good fight everyone. Oh and I hope ya'll all have the poem,"Don't Quit" I like to read it when things get tough for me.
I was VERY excited to see 179.5 on the scale yesterday.I have not been in the 170's for years.I also did a lipid panel yesterday and am hoping my weight loss/no meat has benefited my cholesterol numbers.Will find out in a few days.Still just doing yard work as my exercise.
I know that feeling of seeing numbers move, and I've been stuck in a rut for so long, I can imagine your excitement and when things begin to happen!
I think the no meat thing is great, but you will miss it. I gave up red meat and pork 15 years ago! When I was... 15! I do eat white meat and fish, fish being the best choice. You may want to introduce a little of that back in your diet for Omega-3s and essential proteins. Also, if you find yourself craving meats or things you shouldn't, try to read the book "The Omnivore's Dilemma" by Michael Pollen, it will really change your views on the food you eat and the diet won't be so hard to keep, I promise. It worked so well on me I haven't eaten at McDonald's or any fast food place in nearly 5 months. (I take that back, I have had subway which is my DH and my favorite place to have a pit stop for lunch now and then.

I went to yoga last night, which I've missed going to very much because I've been sick with that infection for so many months, it drained me to the point I cut back on yoga.
Boo on me! I've also been tracking my diet on and I am trying to keep my calorie count at or below 1600. I've been told by a friend it should be lower, but the tracker on the site tells me my daily total before my diet was 3000-3500 for my size and weight?! I really don't think that is true exactly, I was just asking if anyone thinks I should cut my calories more?

Anyways, I weighed myself at the gym and I am 173. Which is great, I was 175 last week

Now I am DETERMINED to get down to 170 by the end of next week.
Wish me luck... because I will start bringing a friend with me to work out, and she's a quitter. She quits everything she starts, and if you ask her. She'll tell you the same thing, that she'll " it twice and make excuses for life." LOL If she quits, I'm afraid I'll cut back or my motivation will just fizzle!
But NO I must carry on!!! LOL
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I LOOOOVVVVEEEE fitday. I've cut my calories back to about 1200 in, and trying to exercise off 350 (5k on the treadmill) or 650 (5 miles on the treadmill) every night.. alternating. last night I had spaghetti with melted mozzarella.. yummy, but i skipped lunch since I knew I was going to go out to have dinner, so I stayed within my numbers. i like carrots. I refuse to count them in my daily calorie amount, and eat them when I'm bored, hungry, reading, watching the kids, anything that doesn't involve getting myhands dirty. what's your secret super food?
Hey, everybody!

No news on the weight moving (in either direction, which is both good and bad, I suppose!) but I wanted to let you all know that the YMCA around here has an annual 'Lazyman' "Triathalon" . . . I'm putting the word 'triathalon' in quotes because their version asks you to do the same mileage (26.2 miles of walking/running, 11ish miles of swimming, etc) BUT the Lazyman part of it is that the Y lets you do it over 6 weeks instead of just the usual short time. I don't know if this counts as a 'real' triathalon, but that's what they're calling it.

This Lazyman triathalon starts on June 1st and goes until July 15th and I am seriously considering signing up for it. I don't need motivation to get to the gym, but I *do* need motivation for getting beyond the comfortable routine I've got set up when I'm there, which is beginning to do less for me as my body gets used to it.

You don't have to run, you can walk, and you can use the stationary recumbent bikes they have (which is good, because I can't ride an actual bike without falling over) and since my Y's pool is currently undergoing renovation and won't be available until the end of June, they've also said that you can 'row' on land (how do you measure miles that way? Guess I get to ask the staff!) instead of actually swimming if you need to, which is cool. I love to swim, and it's been a hardship not having the pool available, but it's going to be much better when it's finished!

It's only $5 to sign up, and the 1st 200 people per location to sign up are free, so it's definitely affordable. You get a teeshirt at the end if you've completed the whole thing. But for me, I figure the best benefit will be that all that exercise will definitely pretty much *force* me to lose weight, and reach my current major goal -- 30 lbs by the time Hubby and I go to visit my parents at their summer home at the end of July (so far, I've lost half of that goal). The other big huge benefit to me is that doing that kind of work will hopefully bring my blood pressure down, and when I get my semi-annual lipid panel done at the doctor's, with luck (since by then it will have been well over 6 months worth of exercise!) my numbers will be even better than they are right now. Tee-shirts are good, but loosing more weight and getting more healthy is better.

If anybody else reading this thread has a YMCA membership, you might want to check out this Lazyman's Triathalon. Sounds like it might be a good time.

Below is my lipid stats following a 20 lbs. loss and no meat diet(about 1-2 months).Gotta work on raising my HDL back up.

My total cholesterol was 238 now 174.
Tri 113 to60.
LDL 159 to 117.
HDL was 56 now 45. Women are told to have 50 and up.40+ for men.

Doc wanted me on statins(zocor) but my diet change was enough.Yay! No additional pills for me!
Hooray! School is over!!! I'm a nurse!!! I cant tell you all how much better I feel!
Lazy day today doing absolutely NOTHING, but tmrw I can finally get back to my workouts and hope to shed more weight! I did lose two lbs this week but I think it was because I was stressing and had some IBS going on :-/ yuck! SO I know you all dont really know me etc, but with my sons illness and work and school life has been very hectic and I feel like it's about to become MINE again instead of that of the rat thanks for all the diet support anyway :)

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