Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

With your ankle it's going to take some time before your really going to put any distance on it..Even walking in the grocery store is a big challenge for awhile so take it easy. There's lots of exercise you can do that is sitting and non weight bearing, I use to catch a show that came on early morning on one of our public tv channels. Also research the web I think you'll find a few things..Are you doing physical therapy for the ankle?
Glad you've found us and joining us in the the journey. I'm doing Weight watchers again, I've lost count how many times this makes, but all I know is I need it and I'd really like to make it work this time. I've been thinking about taking some photo's too, not sure it'll be in a bikini, I don't even remember the last time I owned I also need to take the measurements I just found my measuring tape..ugh

I just found this page and I am going to start as well. I have three older boys and a husband who eats 5000 calories a day because he trains for Ironmans. Trying to eat light is so hard around him and he doesn't understand why I dont want to eat dinner with him. I just went to the doctor for a physical hoping to get blood work tests back that would indicate I should lose weight. Well, luckily I suppose, everything was normal. So now I have to do it on my own.

I want to lose 40 pounds in the next year. I think that is not too drastic. I wish I didn't have to cook for everyone! It would make it easier to lose weight I am sure.

WRT exercise you are correct, do not run. Start slowly walking and listen to your body. Most importantly keep a log. Log what you eat and what exercise you do. I actually keep a chart for exercise. Some days I just do sit ups, leg raises, etc. other days I walk, or stationary bike. But I need to get back to exercising regularly.

Good luck!

well yesterday not so good....hubby made dinner which is a rare thing and expects me to EAT EAT EAT or he gets moody after all his work hmmm funny how that goes huh? Chicken fried steak mashed potatoes peas homemade yeast rolls so blew myself out of the water fighting a losing battle. so today trying to be good lol!! So far whole wheat nasty tasting cereal for breakfast with no sugar on top .... healthy eating is yucky sometimes lol lol....but I did eat breakfast which I normally do not do so that is hungry ate five strawberries from the garden nothing on them they were good.....wasn't hungry at lunch so now for dinner I think I am making spaghetti...pasta isn't all that low cal so maybe a big fat salad and a little bit of spaghetti for if those chocolate chip cookies would quit beckoning me from the top of the fridge I made for the kids then all is good for today!!!!! Excersize for today has been putting miracle grow outside sweating my hiney off.....raking over my grass seed I put out in bare spots.....dug two holes 2 foot deep for posts in garden......normal household stuff.....2 trips to the chicken I rest until kids get home and play with the young un then will put out hay on the garden till time to cook dinner......yea I know exciting life huh?

Cereal does not have to taste bad. Fiber One makes good high fiber tasty cereals. Kelloggs Raisin Bran is sweet, especially with 1/2 a banana or other fruit. Dont try to go cold turkey. Gradually reduce the sugar and I know you wont really see it until you are using less.

One great trick with home made cookies- I only add the brown sugar amount and skip the white. Everyone comments on how great my cookies taste and no one notices!

Keep it up!!!

I'm down to 169 as of this morning. I haven't seen that number in 4 years
I have been drinking a lot of water and watching my salt intake. Blood pressure is still getting high in the afternoons. I went to the Doctor today and he seems to think it is anxiety
I tried to tell him I have had anxiety issues before and it was NOT like this. He's transferring my lab results on my thyroid and estrogen levels from my other doctor and will be looking them over. He's such a other Dr., who I would have seen if she had not just had a hysterctomy, according to him, is "just an LPN" so she apparently wouldn't know an apple from an orange because "she has never been to med school."
WHATEVER! I wanted to kick him. Well I guess a second opinion isn't bad, but that just rubbed me the wrong way.
That isn't but a few steps below him uggghhhh some people in the medical profession just kill me. Well congrats to you!!! great to hear about your loss!!! All my labs put me in normal ranges and I have excellent blood pressure for a fat lady go I think I may try to increase my water intake too.....I hate drinking water and I will try the sugar cut downs as well and see how that goes.
Cindiloohoo-Congrats on the loss, that has got to feel good.

the4heathernsmom-I don't think I could have passed up that Chicken fried steak dinner, I'm salivating just thinking about it.

My husband is joining me on the whole weight loss thing. We love to eat together and it shows since we both need to really lose, plus we need to get healthy for our 4 y/o son. Only thing is he losses twice as fast as me, he averages about 5-8 lbs a week, me at 2 lbs..makes me so mad. I understand the reasons why men lose quicker, but sometimes it's discouraging to have him as my chubby buddy. Tomorrow I'm going to take the plunge and actually take some body measurement's, I'm scared I'm not sure I really want to know.
Just a word of encouragement re measurements . . .

For me, measuring my body is sometimes the only way I can tell that I really am losing weight! Because I'm concentrating on both losing fat *and* gaining muscle, sometimes (like now!) the scale won't move for weeks BUT my waist and stomach and other problem areas continue to get smaller.

For me, the number on the scale is a minor part of the whole weight-loss/get healthy package. It's more important to me to lose the fat and get smaller (lose sizes, etc) than it is to see a small # on the scale.

Like I said in my intro. post on this thread -- I'm 5'3", a healthy size 12 weight for me is 170lbs!! That's because I carry a lot of muscle, and muscle weighs quite a bit more than fat does.

It feels SO GOOD to see those waist measurements and those stomach measurements go down! And it also makes me happy when the gap between measurements gets smaller too -- when I started this, there was a full seven inch gap between my stomach and my waist (my stomach was bigger!). Now that gap is down to 5" *and* I have lost 4" off my stomach so far, and almost 5" from my waist, though I've only lost 18 actual pounds.

Taking your measurements is an excellent way to track your process. And I've even learned when I'm ovulating, etc, because though I only have 'that time' every three months now, my body still bloats monthly. . . and I can (and do, regularly!) bloat up to 5"! I freaked out at first, but now I know that it's just a woman's body doin' it's thing.

You may not like your measurements right now. But a few weeks or months from now, you'll really love the change! Seeing my measurements go down is a big part of what keeps me motivated


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