Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

I did it, I took the plunge and got the measurement's. I feel like I need to post them here, it makes me feel accountable for some here we go.

Complete Stats.
39 y/o
Starting weight-193.4..Now-188.8....GOAL-125ish

Right Upper arm-14.5 inches
Right Thigh-25.5

I even have a photo, I've put this on my fridge so I can see myself. I'd like to keep a photo journal as well, taking a pic for every 10 lbs I lose.
Here's the starting Pic
I'm glad someone mentioned the measurement thing, and the muscle weighs more than fat. You folks should try the low salt really sucks eggs but it is working
ok you did it so I will too tonight after the kids go to bed......ugghhhh!!! Also I finally got the pics to load of my injury so it is now posted unfer the familylife section if anyone wants to see whaT I am dealing with the whole excersize deal but it is kinda graphic they are all post op but it does show my staples and all......anyhow ttyl
Did my 2 mile walk today and it almost killed me,
I'm thinking I need to rethink the place I'm using for my walk. The place I use now is for walkers and joggers, but they use small bark on the trail which makes the path very soft, and offers no support for my ankles
. So now I'm thinking I'll use the High School track at least it's solid ground..I could walk the neighborhood, but I just have no idea how far I've gone. I've been walking the 2 miles pretty slow, I always start off good, but a third of the way through I slow down because of the two miles have been averaging 50-60 min. I've tried tuning out my pain with my ipod, but that only works for so long. Maybe I need to just rethink my exercise completely..anyone have thoughts on water aerobics? Or maybe I need to concentrate on only doing a mile and not pushing for two miles..
How you all doing? I made Polenta tonight
I know the chickens will like this much better then I did
I wish it wasn't so bland..anyone have any pointers on the stuff?

Tomorrow is Weigh in at my weight watchers meeting..I pray I am down
I wanted to walk today at the high school but it was pretty rainy, and I didn't get out between sun breaks. After the last walk, I've been kinda putting it off
I don't want to skip exercise so maybe I'll get my walk away the Lbs videos out, at least it's something.

Hope your all doing well, praying I'm not the only one still out here.
you are not alone lol !!! I am due to post my measurements but we have had horrible weather....a tornado went by our house today anyways will be back on when I have some time
Hello All! NO, you are not alone in this battle!! I just came home from my water aerobics class and I truly believe it is the way to go. For anybody who thinks that water aerobics are for wimps or is not "real" exercise...have obviously never tried it. Just visit your local Y, community center, or college and enroll. Don't worry alot of people of all sizes are there and believe me, after the workouts, nobody has the strength / energy to look/comment about each other.
It is fun and you'll get a good night's sleep out of it.

I have my measurements and I applaud those of you who are strong enough to post yours - let alone your photos!

Maybe soon I'll do it too.

I hit Dennys with my nephew after class and bringing in Parsley for the night. I ate the Sizzling Chicken Skillet Dinner (no sour cream) which calorie wise wasn't too bad (approx 670) I ate a bowl of Special K High Protein cereal with a half of a small banana and 1 cup of Non Fat Milk for breakfast. My water intake is down but I found a yummy flavor of the Walmart no calorie drink mixes - Pink Lemonade.

My weigh in day is Monday and I am going to try to get back into the gym early in the mornings again.

Ugh, it's getting late and I might visit Pala Casino tomorrow morning, so I have to get up early for the bus!

We CAN do it!
Spinster_Sister-I love the walmart brand of the Pink Lemonade, it's also a bit cheaper then the crystal lite. In fact the Pink Lemonade is the only one I drink..I've tried the other flavors, but nothing compares. Also thank you for the heads up on the water aerobics I've been really considering this and was hoping to start in June, I appreciate the info.

the4heathernsmom-Wow a tornado, that would scare the heck out of me if it were blowing by my house. Those a few and far between here in Oregon, altho not unheard of. If one pops up it's usually small and short lived. There was one a couple years ago that popped up in Washington across the river and did a bit of damage but it dissipated pretty quickly. Hey don't feel you have to add your measurement's here online..I only did so cause it makes me feel more accountable to myself. I've never really kept track of measurement's so well see how it goes.

I've been having a problem giving up my coffee creamer in the morning, I love it to much, but it sure does cost me a bunch in calories. I could easily use 1/4 cup in my large coffee, if not more..I've tried the fat free but it's just not the same. Also problems with Salt, I love it on everything, but I'm thinking of trying a substitute. Oh and lets not forget Mayo, why does it have to be so bad. I bought some Fat free the other day and yuck
very bad stuff.

Ok all, I hope you have a wonderful day.
Woods_Woman I am a salt and mayo junkie too. I love it on everything!!! I cut the salt, but I am NOT giving up my mayo!!! So, I know how you feel... My blood pressure has been consistently dow to an average of 115/68 though
since I cut a lot of it out. I didn't realize I was consuming so much salt, like nearly 150% of the recommended daily intake
I have lost another pound as of my weigh in this morning at 168. The water is getting old, and I don't do the aspartame/Splenda stuff at all. Guess I'll go back to tea a bit and walk more. You all have fun with it
Down 1.4 lbs at my Weigh in, I was hoping for 2 lbs. But I wont complain at least it's moving down, I guess it's finally time to kick that coffee creamer, among a few other things.

It's been raining here for day's, I'm so ready for summer..this rain has gotten old. I've noticed a big raccoon hanging around my yard this last week which is concerning, I cant let my chickens out and they've got a bit of cabin fever. I actually think it's hanging out under my deck which is not good, I've no idea what the trapping policies are here in the city of Portland. Believe me we have ton's of raccoons in the neighborhood..our neighbor behind us feeds them, and they live in a big tree right close to my coop. Luckily they have never tried to get into the coop (knock on wood) but I am forever worried.

What's everyone's plans this weekend? Were between paychecks and it's raining so it's going to be a lazy few day's for us. Hope everyone has a great day.
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