Anyone want to lose some weight too? So I'm not starvin' by myself?

Brown rice and sweet potatoes for instance in small amounts is a great source of easily burned carbohydrates

Stay away from white rice and white breads both!
Check out this website and it will help you alot!

Thanks so much! That helped out a lot.

Best of luck to you with your effort

You'll do great!
Well, two days down and so far, pretty good. It hasn't been quite as hard to stay on track as I had thought. I have been a little hungry but have ignored it. Going to trudge forward and hope for some results.
I've been dieting since May, down 13pounds. I'd like to lose at least another 10pounds before we go to Hawaii in November! I've got the mental part down, it's the weekends where I fail, so maybe this keeping track to you all will help me! I do write down everything I eat during the week, and I walk/run around our block (we live in the country so it's 4miles) 3-4 times a week. I started out walking only but have gradually alternated walking & running and am doing pretty good for someone who's never been able to run even in high school!
Tried for years to lose weight dieting. Bought a cheap above ground pool recently. Lost 15 pounds in the first week of using it. Down 60 pounds and counting. Haven't changed eating habits, just swim. Still watch nutrition labels for fat/cholesterol and calories to a degree.
Hey!!! Have you tried 1 tbs of Apple cider vinegar in your water? 30 min before breakfast and at brunch time, even if you don't brunch, you do this everyday at those times, exercise regularly and of course drink your water. The apc mix skims your fat cells and you urinate them out, and yes it tastes bleh, but hey, I use to weigh 205 and am now at 140.
If your iffy about Apple cider vinegar, google it's benefits, my son 13, takes it everyday, not the weight loss way, but his blood sugar never goes above 150, (Diabetic T 1) even after he eats. We are both full of energy and have great complexions. Give it shot? It does taste terrible, but it has great benefits.
Down to 172 now.So close to getting below 170.My goal was 160. I just had my bloodwork done this past Wednesday.Last time I did it was on 5-6-10 after going meatless and juicing a lot for 2-3 months.After the bloodwork I added meat back into my diet over the summer.Here are the changes in the cholesterol:

Total 174 now 200
Tri 60 now 46
HDL 45 now 56
LDL 117 now 135

Not super bad but I was disappointed in the LDL.
Hopefully the doc won't start pushing more meds.He always does when it comes to my LDL. I am really hoping my BP is down since I have lost weight. I am on 2 meds for that.Been on a variety for the past few years.It has been a year since I went to the doctor.Dh has to go every 3 months so that costs quite a bit.

I have been eating a lot of soup lately.Makes it easy to control the calories when you have a low calorie can of soup with some added oats and veggies.
chickensducks&agoose :

I need to lose 40 pounds this year. I think I can do it, right? So I thought maybe a few of you would want the same thing maybe, and we could sort of support each other a little bit. I only have 2 real friends, and they are both super thin... so no help there. anyway, If you want to, we can either post current weights, or amounts lost/gained each week or so... and maybe any hints, or super tasty low fat snacks... anyone else in?

DO NOT starve yourself!!!! Heres why, if you starve yourself your metabolism will SLOW DOWN because it is going into starvation mode. Your body would then totally save it's fat, and not loose anything, DO NOT GO INTO STARVATION MODE! Here's what you do instead -

Eat Large (Large meaning not just toast) meals in the morning, in the afternoon eat medium sized meals, then at night eat like you would normally in the morning, SMALL.

I know this sounds silly but it really works! Also, don't eat too many breads/cereals/ECT..

I know this is nt what an average dieter would say, but eat a lot, now don't say, okay eat a lot! I'll have that brownie! Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables! like Salads are very good to have in the morning. Make your salad with some delicious stuff, like maybe some tomatoes, A little but of cheese, (But in proportion!!!), and sometimes to add some sweetness you can put some dried cherries, but make sure you buy them either organically or without sugar. some people even put nuts, like sunflower seeds and other foods like that.

Don't go into starvation mode!!!!!!

Sources: My mother, the nutritionist! believe me! It worked for her and it can certainly work for YOU! Juicing is also great to do!

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