Anyone with hatch date Oct 15-25?!? Check out this thread!

I know it's tempting but they should be fine. Hopefully the rest will hatch soon.. Love the pics!
Thanks! Now if I could get the humidity to stay above 60% I would be good to go. I just added water hoping that will be enough.
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How big is your water source? I have a large cooler type incubator and use a glass 6 x 8 dish and mine has held perfectly at 65. I am not sure if that helps because I know a ton of other factors affect your humidity.

Oh and I am up to 7 hatchlings. We have another silkie! Which is great because I didn't even see it zipping. I still have one more zipping as I type. If that one makes it I will have 8 out of 10. I would love the last two to hatch but I would certainly be satisfied with 8 out of 10!
What kind of eggs are you hatching Faerytalefarms? I tried looking back but most have overlooked your post. What kind and how many silkies do you have?
I love love *love* all the pictures everyone posts! It's so reassuring to be able to see how folks' eggs and chicks are developing and growing, just the way that mine are developing and growing! I came home this evening to a pip in one of my bantam eggs, and I'm hoping for a chick when I wake up. Keep reminding self: DO NOT OPEN THE LID. DO NOT OPEN THE LID. DO NOT OPEN THE LID.

It's the hatcher's mantra: Do Not Open The Lid!!

Congratz to everyone who is hatching along with this post everyone is doing great!
My eggs are all silkies!

I have 18 silkies already and now many more, I hope!

These two hatches have my favorite colors in them, porcelain, lavender, paint, partridge etc.

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