Anyone with hatch date Oct 15-25?!? Check out this thread!

I refer to all of them as he. Not sure why. I hope he is a she.

Its alright,I have caught myself doing the same. These guys are just to add to my barnyard laying flock so I really dont want any roos from these guys. I already have the Blue orpington - my fav little man of all time and hoping for a splash and black roo from my new order
So far I luv the orpingtons, but im trying to refrain from buying some silkies ive seen being bid on
And I do want a chicken that lays those really dark rust color eggs.
I have a mix in the barn of mostly EE (I was told Americauna's but more I have read I think they really are EE's) and Orpingtons, with a couple CA whites, couple Jersey Giants, 2 white silkies, 1 frizzle, on cochin.
Under my Broody I have 2 EE eggs and 4 buff orpington eggs with My Blue Orpington as the dad.

I am trying to separate my breeds. Currently, I have a large coop and run (which I plan to turn into breeding pens for 5 breeds) with everyone together except the silkies. As far as my orpingtons I have a blue roo, buff roo, two buff hens and 1 black hen. Keep me posted on how your eggs turn out. I would like to have a splash and lavendar. I am leaning towards hens but then again I can't figure out the whole genetic equations with the different colors.

I know a couple of these chicks that I hatched are purebred orpingtons but I can't tell which is which. I still have two phoenix/ee hens in my mix so that confuses things.

One of my chicks is solid yellow like a buff orpington but the legs are solid yellow??? I know my adults have the paler legs. Yellow legs usually mean a buff rock. I know the breeder where I got my buffs from so I know there isn't an issue there but then again I can't remember if they maybe had yellow legs as chicks and just grow out of it. The other 3 look the same. They are almost a dark brown/black looking body, with a reddish brown front on their heads and lighter color under their bellies. Not sure who they belong too! Who knows could have something to do with the Blue Roo with the Buff hen.

I'll try to post some pictures in the morning. Sorry for the long post. It's late and I tend to babble. See babbling about babbling. lol
Its alright,I have caught myself doing the same. These guys are just to add to my barnyard laying flock so I really dont want any roos from these guys. I already have the Blue orpington - my fav little man of all time and hoping for a splash and black roo from my new order
So far I luv the orpingtons, but im trying to refrain from buying some silkies ive seen being bid on
And I do want a chicken that lays those really dark rust color eggs.
I have a mix in the barn of mostly EE (I was told Americauna's but more I have read I think they really are EE's) and Orpingtons, with a couple CA whites, couple Jersey Giants, 2 white silkies, 1 frizzle, on cochin.
Under my Broody I have 2 EE eggs and 4 buff orpington eggs with My Blue Orpington as the dad.

I am trying to separate my breeds. Currently, I have a large coop and run (which I plan to turn into breeding pens for 5 breeds) with everyone together except the silkies. As far as my orpingtons I have a blue roo, buff roo, two buff hens and 1 black hen. Keep me posted on how your eggs turn out. I would like to have a splash and lavendar. I am leaning towards hens but then again I can't figure out the whole genetic equations with the different colors.

I know a couple of these chicks that I hatched are purebred orpingtons but I can't tell which is which. I still have two phoenix/ee hens in my mix so that confuses things.

One of my chicks is solid yellow like a buff orpington but the legs are solid yellow??? I know my adults have the paler legs. Yellow legs usually mean a buff rock. I know the breeder where I got my buffs from so I know there isn't an issue there but then again I can't remember if they maybe had yellow legs as chicks and just grow out of it. The other 3 look the same. They are almost a dark brown/black looking body, with a reddish brown front on their heads and lighter color under their bellies. Not sure who they belong too! Who knows could have something to do with the Blue Roo with the Buff hen.

I'll try to post some pictures in the morning. Sorry for the long post. It's late and I tend to babble. See babbling about babbling. lol

Have have 4 eggs With Blu roo over Buff hens - was curious what they may look like. I know its not any standard color but I was just going to add them to my laying flock anyway.
Im searching all I can on the color genetics - as soon a these hatch I would like some Lav/Lav splits.... now if they can just get some chocolates our way
:)Our first pipped egg picture is below:):

:jumpyOur First Chick Hatched at 12:32 AM just about 30 minutes ago. It is a Silver Phoenix.


Have 3 other eggs that have pipped today and we assume are resting. No other activity. Could be a long night or an early morning of chirping.
:weee2nd Phoenix cracked it's way out this morning at 8 AM!!!!!

They are so cute but they are moving around all the eggs in the incubator and climbing onto the other eggs. We have an Araucana pipped this morning (hope it makes it)! Got a Sumatra pipped also. Hard to tell what is pipped and what is not with the chicks moving the eggs around.

Second incubator has 2 Phoenix pipped.

:loveSo exciting to here about all your hatches and anticipating the results!! Good Luck!!

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