Anything else I should do?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Apr 17, 2010
I have a beautiful Japanese hen who recently had a run-in with a dog. One of her legs is paralyzed. I don't think there is any help for it.

My beauty is in a box in my bathroom right now. There is snow on the ground, and noone wants to put her out. She's in a small box, and is learning to balance on one leg. She has also started leaning against the side for support. She is doing great! However, Im slightly worried about her future. Once it warms up, my dad wants to put her back outside, but I'm worried the flock would reject her. Their in with a siccors beak right now, but they were raised with her. These chickens have never been apart, but since shes been away, and is now different, will they reject her???

Also, while in her box my babe hasn't layed an egg. It's been 4 days. Should I be concerned? What are sighnes of a clogged vent?

Thanks in adavance for any help.
If there are any open wounds, I would appy triple antibiotic ointment on them. Make sure feed and water are easily accessible.

I wouldn't expect any eggs from her! Something that traumatic will definitely stop laying.

Once she is healed enough, you could put her in a dog crate in your chicken coop. That is what I do. That way the hurt chicken is protected, put the others don't forget who she is.
There are no wunds thankfully, just loss of tail feathers >.<
Just wanted to make sure, the last thing we want is clogged vent.
Will definatly try the dog create!
Thank you for your help.
If she has a lot of pulled feathers, you may have to keep her in the dog crate for a while. Chickens will probably be attracted to peck at the exposed skin.

I love the dog crate method. I have a buttercup right now that got her earlobe pecked and bloodied and she is in the crate under the nest boxes. They tend to freak out at first because they can't perch at night, but they get used to it.

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