Appenzeller Spitzhauben

SweetCoastal your birds are beautiful :)

I have 2 silver and 3 Gold
I'm so hoping to have gender diversity in the group. I think only one is male though! My gold guy.

I don't know what happens if he crosses with silver...brassy silver? Sex link chicks?

Well definitely not standard...

Gold roo over silver hens will make sex-linked chicks. I.e.: pullets will be gold, cockerels will be silver split to gold, usually shows as a creamy-yellow hue.

Congrats on ur chicks!
Thanks for the relevant information. Would a gold over silver pullet with gold phenotype (showing gold only) be marketable as gold, or is that wrong because of the Silver genotype, could Grand babies end up silver? Not if new owner has a gold roo, right?

I'm thinking of how it works with human eyes. I have to blue eyed babies which shocked me since I was BB brown eyed. Turns out I'm Bb and can have blue eyed kids with the right partner lol!!

I don't want to sell a fraudulent chick lol.
Thanks for the relevant information. Would a gold over silver pullet with gold phenotype (showing gold only) be marketable as gold, or is that wrong because of the Silver genotype, could Grand babies end up silver? Not if new owner has a gold roo, right?

I'm thinking of how it works with human eyes. I have to blue eyed babies which shocked me since I was BB brown eyed. Turns out I'm Bb and can have blue eyed kids with the right partner lol!!

I don't want to sell a fraudulent chick lol.
I think you can call them whatever color they look in an ad, but make sure to tell the future owner about the breeding before the final sale - just in case the new owner wants to breed them.
Lots of people like crosses and mixes - so I would call it that

Using the label of Silver Spitzhauben comes with the implication it IS that .... and the SS are a breed - breeding true looking phenotype offspring .... So I would say they are a cross with the silver color and gold or cream in the genetics .... I am sure you will get buyers for them!
Gold & silver base color is sex-linked which in chickens means the hen carries 1 copy and the rooster carries 2 (opposite from human genetics). Also, silver is dominant over gold, so if a rooster is carrying 1 silver(S) and 1 gold(s+) he appears (his phenotype) is silver, but he's considered split to gold bc his genotype is S/s+. A hen can only carry one silver or one gold and will appear that color (not possible to be split to either silver or gold).

Whether or not a rooster split to another color is marketable is up to the buyer. I'd recommend full disclosure on his background colors of course, and you should be fine.

My gold boys genotype was not disclosed to me. So I don't know if he's Gg or GG. I wouldn't know untihe reproduced :/

I was wondering if I should ask or if that's rude. I could just assume Gg since both are bred, until he proves otherwise with 100% gold babies.
Any decent person would be glad to tell you who the parents of a bird are - or will also be glad to tell you that have no idea - the egg came form a mixed flock ...

Or perhaps I am pie-in-the-sky ... because I never mind telling that to anyone who asks - and I've gotten the same courtesy from everyone I have dealt with on this site.

My gold boys genotype was not disclosed to me. So I don't know if he's Gg or GG. I wouldn't know untihe reproduced :/

I was wondering if I should ask or if that's rude. I could just assume Gg since both are bred, until he proves otherwise with 100% gold babies.

Gold is recessive wild type so you can assume he is homozygous, "s+/s+" is how it's denoted. (No Gg or GG possible).
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The "+" indicates wild type. At least that's how I learned it. Capital S for dominant silver. And s+ bc no silver gene shows up as gold base.

Spangle genetics are fun too if ur interested. Db (dark brown), Ml (melanizing), and Pg (pattern gene) are all required to make a spangle. If one of these genes is missing, the spangle can break to lacing or other patterns. These are not sex-linked tho, so hens & roosters carry similar amounts of genetic material there. :D

In my first hatches of spitz I had some unexpected coloration and researched why. What I found just made me love the breed that much more.

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