apple cider vinegar in water.?? lother egg laying tricks


10 Years
Jan 16, 2010
i've read some people put vinegar in their chickjens water.does this help with laying eggs can i add thinks like milk and freshly juiced vegetable juice to my water ( of course changes daily ) / Wjat tricks do u recommend for chicks pullets and cock and hens stages of development and how does it affect the way they act and lay.??
I'm new to all this, so maybe I'm wrong, but I thought vinegar was used more to increase the acidity of the water slightly and act as a disinfectant. It can't replace cleaning your waterer, but it can make it last longer between cleanings.
ACV is known as a folk digestive aid. I use it but I put it on feed. I use the raw stuff from the health food store. It doesn't make my hens lay more as much as I believe it improves their over all health which in turn would help them be more productive. I actually started using it on my horses along with flax seed. I do think it helped my old horse with his joints and it is rumored to help keep internal parasites to a minimum. Nothing is proven but folks have been using it a long time and I believe its beneficial.
I use UP/ACV as an immune system booster but I'm not sure if it increases laying. It does seem to clarify the taste of my eggs, decreasing the sulfur smell and taste. Since I've been using it, my regular customers have been raving about the taste of the eggs. Of course, they had no way of knowing that the ACV was the only difference to their diet...they just commented on how different my eggs taste compared to other farm eggs.

One customer stated that she hasn't been able to eat eggs without stomach upset since she was young but can eat my eggs without problems. Go figure!
I tried to add ACV this weekend to my chickens water - - - they wouldn't touch it ! ! !

I've tried to feed mine yogurt too - - they wouldn't touch it either !!

They do like fresh caught GRASSHOPPERS, Collards, and Cilantro

Good luck with that vinegar thing. I tried it two days in a row.
I figured after the first day, that I should try just a bit of it and work them up to it - - NO GO !
I have been using ACV for almost a week now and my birds are doing AWESOME with it.. My turkeys have bulked up my cornish have completly stopped panting, the coturnix feathers just shot in and the layers feathers are just shining.. i dont know if this because of the ACV but I do know it didnt start until I started adding it...

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