Apple Cider Vinegar

I started spraying a 50/50 mix around the coop, especially on the roost perches and underneath.. It cuts down on the smell, especially the ammonia smell. I'm sure it kills parasites in the process, but it sure makes the coop smell more pleasant! Is there any harm in doing this indefinitely? I'm sure it will help cut down on the fly population in the summer too. Thanks in advance. Larry

Hi rule of thumb is “if they can eat it then using it in the coop / run can’t hurt!”
I also use herbs in there during the summer to keep mites and flies away...and it smells lovely too!
Seems ACV is an excellent all round product for in and outside of chickens ...Nice & natural. Thank you for the tip!
FOr those of us who are organic or who prefer not to use’s what I do ...and it’s works for me 100%

2cups water * 1 cup cooking oil * 1 tablespoon washing up liquid
Put in spray bottle and shake ..
For 3 days every month spray on perches every morning
(This could work along side the 50/50 ACV recipe)

Diatomaceous earth -couple of hand fulls on floor of coop, nesting boxes and in their dusty bath area.

For the chickens:
One whole clove of garlic in their drinker when I fill it up...clove can be reused for about a month...just leave it in when you top up the water . (2l drinker with 1clove..I use lots of smaller drinkers so I can vary what’s in the water ..ACV in one, garlic in another..)
Garlic spray: add all this to another spray bottle...
10oz water * 1 finely mince glove garlic * 1 tbspoon lavender
Spray chickens every week to deter mites
For infestation : every other day for 3 weeks

You can replace the fresh garlic with spray garlic if thats easier for you ( I grow garlic so I use’s free!)
My herbal two penneth...❤️
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FOr those of us who are organic or who prefer not to use’s what I do ...and it’s works for me 100%

2cups water * 1 cup cooking oil * 1 tablespoon washing up liquid
Put in spray bottle and shake ..
For 3 days every month spray on perches every morning
(This could work along side the 50/50 ACV recipe)

Diatomaceous earth -couple of hand fulls on floor of coop, nesting boxes and in their dusty bath area.

For the chickens:
One whole clove of garlic in their drinker when I fill it up...clove can be reused for about a month...just leave it in when you top up the water . (2l drinker with 1clove..I use lots of smaller drinkers so I can vary what’s in the water ..ACV in one, garlic in another..)
Garlic spray: add all this to another spray bottle...
10oz water * 1 finely mince glove garlic * 1 tbspoon lavender
Spray chickens every week to deter mites
For infestation : every other day for 3 weeks

You can replace the fresh garlic with spray garlic if thats easier for you ( I grow garlic so I use’s free!)
My herbal two penneth...❤️
Thank You All! Everyone here is so friendly, nice and helpful too. A great site for all of us to learn from, and share ideas and remedies! Glad to have found this site.

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