Appraisal of ring found by hens PIC PG 6 Saga Continues.....

Holy cow! That is excellent!!!
being that it is old and hand made like that I would maybe try e-bay with a reserve bid on it maybe you would get more, that is if you want to sell it.
That is soooo cool. I wanna see a picture!!! How special...I never heard of anything like this before. Nanccy
have someone check the settings to make sure they are tight. I inherited some old rings and lost a few emeralds and a saphire and some diamonds before i realized the settings were loose. (not all from one ring, I could't resist wearing them all at once, and was a dummy)
Don't you wish you knew the story behind that ring? Who it was given to, what kind of people they were, how she lost it...? How old is your barn?
When I first read your thread i thought WOW cool story, now it just keeps getting better. Although I do have an idea about the next stage of the story hehehe.


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