April 2021 Hatch - A - Long

Oh dear, that is really bad luck. IDK what some egg sellers are thinking. I'd want to get my eggs to people whole and for them to be happy with them. Like I am proud of my breed (Light Sussex) and their darker collars and tail feathers, if I was ever going to ship eggs, I'd buy foam and add sawdust to the egg cartons and then pad any spaces out with bubble wrap. If you are going to charge for packing and postage, you should put more of an effort into it. Seriously it makes me mad, when I hear things like this.
Hey guys, I just candled my eggs and all six were developing!! This time I am trying dry incubation and so far so good. Also, if any hens hatch can I breed them with their dad?
Great news!
And yes, you can breed them back to their father. Just be aware that any genetic faults will be intensified in this kind of breeding. 😊
Joining in over here now that my March hatch is complete. I did a quick cleaning of the incubator and now have four eggs set from my Speckled Sussex hen, fertilized by an Ameraucana - he's a recessive white "sport" who popped up from a Blue Wheaten flock. I had a 100% hatch rate from the March egg, but the SS is a less reliable/consistent layer than the hens whose eggs just hatched, so we'll see what happens. I also have an order shipping from McMurray the week of the 12th (Anconas, Lemon Cuckoo Neiderheiners, and Cuckoo Marans) and a mare due to foal on the 11th who looks like she could go any day now. Baby animals everywhere around here this spring! :celebrate
Joining in over here now that my March hatch is complete. I did a quick cleaning of the incubator and now have four eggs set from my Speckled Sussex hen, fertilized by an Ameraucana - he's a recessive white "sport" who popped up from a Blue Wheaten flock. I had a 100% hatch rate from the March egg, but the SS is a less reliable/consistent layer than the hens whose eggs just hatched, so we'll see what happens. I also have an order shipping from McMurray the week of the 12th (Anconas, Lemon Cuckoo Neiderheiners, and Cuckoo Marans) and a mare due to foal on the 11th who looks like she could go any day now. Baby animals everywhere around here this spring! :celebrate
That's the best part of spring! We had a doe kid last month and have another due next month. Loving all the bouncing baby goats on the farm.

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