April 2022 hatch-a-long (non-Easter, and Easter welcome)


gimmie birdies

Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Feb 12, 2013
Eastern WA
I went to Montana 9 hrs away one way, to visit my son and daughter-in-law. While there I got some hatching eggs from my daughter-in-law's mother. The roosters are Naked necks, the hens are different kinds. Setting 11 because one had a crack.

When I candled I looked for the dot of love...


They will be due April 5th.
I did pic up a few eggs from town, the top is from a neighbor all barred rock. Middle one was at the grocery store-BUT it was local farm eggs. The front eggs are from my hens. I am hopeful they are fertile. I opened the white eggs, they looked fertile.

I am warming them up in this incubator, and tomorrow I will put everyone into the incubator with fan and turners, with my other eggs...below.

A photo- of a love dot...from the above eggs.
love dot.PNG

below are 2 funny pics. Below are barred rock eggs, I know not to set a doubled egg, but I almost hatched a triple yolk, it made it to day 17. I am going to try anyhow.

I found the pony at a second hand store. I bought it to be an egg holder for pics.


  • love.PNG
    1 MB · Views: 7
When I get shipped eggs, I ask for eggs that are normal to slightly smaller sized, they ship better. And never set odd eggs. That being said, here is a candle pic of my double yolk egg.
This is day 1.

one yolk to the point, one to the top. Most will only go until day 10, I did have a triple go to day 17.
Day 2, on my double. I have it upright in a hatching tray, not turner.(I am afraid it may tip out of a turner.) One of the yolk's look more developed than the other in the egg. I hope they are both fertile. I will candle again this weekend. My plan is to stop turning this egg and lay on it's side by day 14 or so.


My chicken's eggs were not fertile, BUT 23 eggs from, local and the Montana farms are going...(Fertile)

The eggs below are in a diff incubator, separate from the 23 above. I am waiting to see more fertility wise. The Double yolk is in with them, but is fertile.

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