April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

This little guy...
Agree you can separate him/her. I’d put antibiotic of sone kind on the navel I use hypochlorous spray peroxide, iodine or silver are other options. Then I’d offer electrolytes, b vitamins and some kind of yeast supplement (I use Kalmbach but Diamond v or plain nutritional yeast are good too) & molasses

Personally I also would use a light therapy light on that as well but I know most people wouldn’t have that on hand.
So in a nut shell, one of my chicks didn't absorb all the yolk sack, and as it was walking around the wire floor in the gator it looked like it possibly cut open?
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Will this chick be ok? To me it seems like this chick has lost a lot of blood for it's size.
If it'll be struggling, is there anything I could give it to help?
All the blood in this picture is from the chick.
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I'd get him off of that wire floor asap to stop the abrasion on that yolk sac, if you haven't done that already. Put paper towels over the wire, it'll be better for them to learn to walk on anyway. (I don't know why people insist on mesh bottoms for incubators.) Section off a tiny area just for that chick that he can't get out of, and others can't get in - use bits of cardboard, cut a corner from a shoebox, or put him in a small container or cup. He needs time to absorb whatever's left, without causing more blood loss. Keep him IN the incubator until it's clear he's free of the yolk sac and recovered some. Apply some antibiotic ointment to the navel area. Cross your fingers; and if it's in your arsenal, pray.
Oh my goodness, this was so cute!!! Two eggs zipping together, and both chirping their little hearts out. Sounds like they're having quite the conversation:
How cute!!! I can't wait until my next hatch day. It doesn't matter how many times I've done it, hatch day still feels like Christmas morning. I love watching them hatch!
They came today! Hurray!
Letting them rest after their journey.


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