April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

Not sure what ive missed, havent been updating or keeping in check- Anything interesting happening with y'all?
Currently my broodys have 5, 6, and 6 that are alive. The one with 6 actually had all 6 eggs chirping, and only one had made it to the pipping stage and is actually unzipping, it said that it wants out haha.
Originally, I had 4 hens on chicken eggs but if you saw my other post, two hens were given turkey eggs, but one wasn't accepting the eggs, so i gave her back her orginal eggs. But one still has turkey eggs that are developing nicely.
The 4 hens originally had 5, 5, 5 and 6. We lost 3 from one hen (she had 5; The one who has the turkey eggs) And the remaining two are under another hen who Currently has 6 ( not the one who has some hatching right now ) All the other eggs are doing fine.
Sorry if that was confusing I tried to explain the best I could.
That's chicken math, too, right? :lau
Good luck with all of them!
I know it's a big investment, but I do recommend a whole-house generator that runs on propane or natural gas. We had ours installed several years ago, and I would NOT be without one anywhere I live, now. We live in a rural area so weather events often take down power lines and I've got too much at stake to lose power for very long. Plus I like my comforts. When power goes down, the generator automatically switches on within about 20 seconds, and I never leave my chair. When the power comes back up, it automatically switches off. Most companies offer payment plans; that's how we managed ours and paid it off within two years.
My chick regressed, so it's back in the cup and sling now. I gave it another touch of the vitamins on the edge of its beak. It hates it LOL. I made a little feeder and waterer from a couple of tablespoon measuring scoops, taped to the outside rim of its cup. It has been eating chick starter and drinking water with electrolytes. That's all I can do.
Update on this chick: He's doing GREAT. I left him in the cup and sling overnight, and dosed again this morning. By this afternoon, he had wiggled his way out of it (good! strong!) and was running around with the other chicks, doing just fine. He's been holding his own all day now. I put him on his back a little while ago, several times, and he instantly popped upright each time. He's eating and drinking, and going in and out from under the heater plate on his own. I'm so happy! The little guy is going to thrive, I think.
I did miss some stuff, any updates? I'm so sorrry that happened. 😥.

I did a very quick candle of ONE egg, and there was movement! So all may not be lost.

I also picked up a second incubator last night, and am going to use one for lockdown, and one for 'cooking', lol. Just waiting for it to warm up then I'll transfer eggs and candle them all.

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