April 2023 Hatch-A-Long

Bad news here. My son accidentally unplugged the incubator last night. 🤬 I only just realized and it’s probably been around 18 hours.

I am hoping a few manage to survive but my house is very cold so I am not getting my hopes up. (Incubator temp said 14 c when I plugged it back in).

Looks like I will have to start collecting eggs for the next hatch & hopefully next time things go better. And my kids are now banned from unplugging anything in my room.
How far along were they? As you probably know, mine were off for 24 hours during a power outage. Still got three live chicks, and some in lockdown now that definitely showed signs of life. And it got darn cold here!
Bad news here. My son accidentally unplugged the incubator last night. 🤬 I only just realized and it’s probably been around 18 hours.

I am hoping a few manage to survive but my house is very cold so I am not getting my hopes up. (Incubator temp said 14 c when I plugged it back in).

Looks like I will have to start collecting eggs for the next hatch & hopefully next time things go better. And my kids are now banned from unplugging anything in my room.
So sorry to hear that! Maybe there's hope at least some of them will be ok.
Well, it's day 20, so I just moved my dozen that are due to hatch tomorrow over to my hatcher. Of 12, four are externally pipped, and the other eight are all internally pipped - I'm potentially looking at my first 100% hatch ever! I'm consistently in the high 90s, but I've never had 100% hatch.

I have five eggs looking good for next Friday, and it looks like at least 10 of 15 shipped eggs are looking for the 29th, I'm giving them a couple extra days because of saddled air sacks making it hard for me to see things before I decide to toss out eggs.

I'll probably have baby pictures for everyone tomorrow!
Last night’s peep is going to be an only child, the second egg candled dead this morning. So that’s a wrap for my April hatches! Luckily I’m getting a shipment of chicks arriving tomorrow and she can go in with them
Sorry you only had 1 hatch but sounds like you did some good advance planning! Your single chick will get to be the big sister to the others.
Bad news here. My son accidentally unplugged the incubator last night. 🤬 I only just realized and it’s probably been around 18 hours.

I am hoping a few manage to survive but my house is very cold so I am not getting my hopes up. (Incubator temp said 14 c when I plugged it back in).

Looks like I will have to start collecting eggs for the next hatch & hopefully next time things go better. And my kids are now banned from unplugging anything in my room.
I've had incubators lose power for 24+ hours in my unheated coop, and most of the eggs have hatched just fine. Take a deep breath, let the eggs temp back up for 24 hours, and then check for movement.
How far along were they? As you probably know, mine were off for 24 hours during a power outage. Still got three live chicks, and some in lockdown now that definitely showed signs of life. And it got darn cold here!
Today is day 15 for them. I just candled 2 eggs after I got the incubator back up to temp, and I saw movement in both! I hope I get a few to hatch at least 🤞

Unfortunately I have another sad update, this time on the broody hatch. Her eggs are due to hatch tomorrow and I went out there to check on them. I found a lot of eggs from the other hens in the nest along with a squashed chick. 😢 So I pulled the remaining eggs from the nest and candled, only 2 looked like they might hatch so I threw them in the incubator. If they hatch I will separate one of the broodies from the flock and give them to her. Looks like the other hens were just not leaving that nest alone.
Today is day 15 for them. I just candled 2 eggs after I got the incubator back up to temp, and I saw movement in both! I hope I get a few to hatch at least 🤞

Unfortunately I have another sad update, this time on the broody hatch. Her eggs are due to hatch tomorrow and I went out there to check on them. I found a lot of eggs from the other hens in the nest along with a squashed chick. 😢 So I pulled the remaining eggs from the nest and candled, only 2 looked like they might hatch so I threw them in the incubator. If they hatch I will separate one of the broodies from the flock and give them to her. Looks like the other hens were just not leaving that nest alone.
Sorry 😞
Our number 18 hatched yesterday morning and that is a wrap on this bunch. 18 into lockdown and 18 out.
Next comes our ducks at the beginning of May and another chicken hatch also in May. I will post more pictures then because I am keeping this next batch of babies. The ones that hatched this month were spoken for.

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