I know that when i got my birds tested and past, i got a card that says permision to sell and transport.

Awesome Shay ! I still have to find out of the NH one is good in Mass or If I have to have them done in your state also.
tony your avatar almost makes people think your cute
And i had some chicks hatch on sunday night into monday and a few today, boy was i wrong on my dates. I need to start logging them in. hahaha

I have some cochins. and i think oegb not sure eggs were mixed in. i have to study them tomorow and go back and see what i had put in my inc.
so if i can get there, ill be bringing some.
i hear that, my dh has screwed up my system with him taking over since the new incubator, doesnt put dates, just throw them in, 2 dates pass no chicks hatch, go to candle, no eggs with the dates, total screw up. so i am chick less
so very very sad
Poultry Run Farm, I have a SSH cockerel, will be 9 weeks on Sunday so just a baby yet but he is LF as far as I can tell. He was my free rare from MM this spring. He is fully feathered but still much too young to be a daddy just yet
I don't know what is good looking for an SSH cockerel so you would have to be the judge of that. I'll have him at the swap.
I cant wait! I will be attending this weekend and it will be my first chicken swap! I may bring two three week olds, they were my fist hatch ever, some test eggs. I am sort of sentamental about them for that reason but as I am only going to be able to have about 8 birds and I really want some certain breeds... I know they will have good homes with a fellow BYC'er though! One is a white bantam cochin (with some blue fluff since I gave her a little easter sponge bath) and one is a dark colored cochin and wyandotte mix I think. It might be penciled, I will try to post some pics of the feathering.

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