April Egg Swap....Partners pending

i guessing you sent her like 24 eggs....... ?

too funny! nope, sent 7, i think. wont tell till she does though!

The note would have been great, I "think" they might be duck eggs....

Nope, not duck eggs, just some really big chicken eggs that are normally a lot browner than those, but not too brown

They are big, and the color is what threw me off. Do I have to wait until they hatch to find out what type of chickies?

By the way they all look GREAT!

Partner, I shipped mine out today. You are close so I think....maybe tomorrow or Wed at the latest.

I sent 6 of the blue and black Orps and then I sent 4 of the Marans/Orp mixes. I just love her eggs and want to share them.
Nope, not duck eggs, just some really big chicken eggs that are normally a lot browner than those, but not too brown

They are big, and the color is what threw me off. Do I have to wait until they hatch to find out what type of chickies?

By the way they all look GREAT!


Yeah, the girls are not happy about something I think, every one of them started laying lighter eggs about the same time! It could be the end of their laying cycle, but I thought it was odd that all the eggs would lighten up at the same time! If you do a bit of research, you should be able to figure it out. I'm not telling!!
I'll give you a hint though, there is only one breed of chicken eggs that I sell that are not bantams, so that should make it easier to figure it out!
I got my eggs.
I got my eggs today!!!Thanks Lynn (Greybear23) I went back looking through and figured it out!!! Great packaging .
Thanks for the AUS on the eggs. I would have never figured out what they were!! they are going in tomorrow!!
I forgot my picture...
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I GOT Miss Jaynes Eggs! THEY ARE MINE!!!!!!
I have wished and wanted and DROOLED over these most beeeutiful eeglets AND now they are MINE ALL MINE!
I could have tinkled all over the floor when my daughter sent me a text pic of the eggs when they arrived!

Made a bad day a whole lot better!

My swappee got hers as well a few days ago.
Oh did I forget to say: MINE MINE MINE!!!

It was better than Christmas!

Although I have not actually seen them myself yet I know they are safely tucked in the bator and humming along nicely.

We may get to go home tomorrow, if not it will be Weds.
Depends on how Dh is doing after his surgery.
He is now sleeping for the first time today since we finally got his pain under control. I am going to try and catch a nap before the drugs wear off again!

Thanks Again Miss Jayne and Thanks to Barnyard for setting it all up!
It has helped take my mind away for a while.

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