Announcement April Fools' 2019 - BYC Now Fully Self-Moderated

Hey! You can't overturn my decisions!

You weren’t here!! I made an executive decision. :p


You're not?

I do. If I cut myself on a nail or something, ice chunks spurt out like when you turn on a hose on a cold morning.

Aww, you're my new best friend.

As a self-moderator, I rule that we can. :gig

Nope!!! 48 today but past few days it’s been mid to high 60s. :D today is actually quite chilly :lau

Also ewww lol

The privilege of self moderating..:gig

F58BCC21-2704-41D8-9E91-7C9120CA80F5.jpeg I hope this isn’t too off-topic, but I love showing off my animals.

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