April Fools 2022 - Reserve Your New Username NOW!

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Hmmm, not sure I think that’s funny.
They do an April Fool’s prank every year… and have for fifteen years. I look forward to seeing what they come up with every year as do a lot of other people. If you don’t, that’s fine but most do and they’re gonna keep doing them.
I did get fooled. I put fun sized candies in my DH's shoes.
That’s a good one! I like the harmless pranks – I filled the milk carton in my family’s fridge with chocolate milk instead of regular 😁

Next year I’m going to take a big bowl and mix M&Ms, Skittles, and Reese’s Pieces all together 😆
That’s a good one! I like the harmless pranks – I filled the milk carton in my family’s fridge with chocolate milk instead of regular 😁

Next year I’m going to take a big bowl and mix M&Ms, Skittles, and Reese’s Pieces all together 😆
Those are good!
My best prank was when my kids were in elementary school. My daughter woke up early and switched all the cereals in their boxes. My son wanted to prank her back, so I made peanut butter cup candy using unsweetened baking chocolate. Fortunately, my daughter only took a small bite of hers. My husband though, popped the whole thing in his mouth:lau It is now forbidden for me to make anything on April 1st😂
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