APRIL Hatch a long ......Anyone?

Welp, day 21 here. Three happy and healthy chicks under a broody. My lockdown box failed me and shrink wrapped another dozen. By the time I got to them they were all dead. Eggtopsies showed 1 that should've hatched but didn't and a dozen shrink wrapped babies. I am so depressed now
We ended up with a total of 7 from yesterday and this morning from 9 eggs. I still have the other 2 eggs in the incubator "just in case" but there's no pips or anything. We now have 2 barnevelders, 2 brown leghorns, 2 dominiques, and 1 chocolate orpington bantam :) The two that didn't hatch were both Choc Orps. I have another larger incubator due tomorrow night...that one has the rest of the barnevelders, brown leghorns, dominiques, choco orps, plus quite a few mottled anaconas, a mottled anacona x white leghorn, and a mottled anacona x EE :) Wish us luck~


Here's the 7 in their brooder a few minutes ago along with the sultan and polish from last week's trip to the farm store. Gosh they are making a mess with their food!!!!! I may have to switch to a different kind of feeder when I clean them in the morning!

got a strange question. I have a chick that just hatched that is in a separate area in the brooder drying. A few times now I've seen lying on it's back, once sleeping, the others it was crying. Is this normal for chick newbies? What should my concern level be?

Thank you!
I've had two from this hatch that would accidentally flip over and freak out, peeping loudly. Once they got the hang of walking without falling over they were fine. I have a friend who had a chick that would regularly sleep on it's back for the first few days. Looked like it was sun bathing, really funny actually. Both things are fine and don't last a long time.

I've had two from this hatch that would accidentally flip over and freak out, peeping loudly. Once they got the hang of walking without falling over they were fine. I have a friend who had a chick that would regularly sleep on it's back for the first few days. Looked like it was sun bathing, really funny actually. Both things are fine and don't last a long time.

Ok good. For a moment I thought it was trying to commit suicide! I'm keeping the newbies separated in the brooder tonight so they don't get pecked. In the morning I should have another out and at least 2 more pipped.
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I forgot to post that I was in lock down, we should start to see pips tonight or in the morning. I hope this is a good hatch, in a new incubator. 33 eggs went into lock down. My broody hatched out 2 of three, so far as of this morning.

Happy Easter everyone.

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