Aquarists Unite!


Feb 11, 2017
I bet plenty of you all knew me, but I bet you didn't know I was as obsessed with fish as I am with chickens. I've made this thread for all aquarists out there, newbie or pro, nano tank or stock pond, shrimp keeper or koi enthusiast! In this section I did a little searching and couldn't find anything about fish! Well, no longer, because you can all share and ask here!
Cool! I imagine people gasping like, "100 gallons for 4 goldfish?", but that is actually their space needs!
My tank is a 30 gallon, going to set up a little tub for all my plant scraps to grow like weeds in the summer sun so I'll have an ample supply. My tank is also a wreck, it looked nice, but now it's has out of theme decor and dying small clumps of java hidden from the light. It has a goldfish and a large tetra that are the food before the others. I'm remodeling it next week
I have a ten gallon tank, slowly decreasing with fish :/ I can never keep them alive *sigh*
1 pink yellow bellied Guppy(Daylily)
1 Black point speckled Platy(Spot)
1 Black Point Platy(Sunset)
1 Harlquin Rabrooska(or something like that)(Raboska)
1 green Cory Catfish(Tiny)
1 large albino Cory Catfish(Polar)
My tank is a total wreck. It looked nice before it fell into undermanagment, neglect, and disrepair. I'm scrapping everything in it in favor of a powder/nutrient substrate mix, dragon stone and driftwood decor, as well as java moss, elodea, and duckweed amongst other plants. My stocking scheme is unclear, but it'll have a lot of brightly colored shrimp like cherries, electric yellows and blues along with small, active fish with some bottomfeeders.
My 29 gallon has 4 tetras, 1 bristlenose pleco, a betta, and 4 female guppies. My 20 gallon has 11 adolescent and male guppies, a betta, 2 shrimp, 2 assassin snails, and pest snails. My 10 gallon has a betta and a female guppy on one side, and guppy fry on the other side (it has a divider).

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