Araucana thread anyone?

The second chick hatched sometime overnight. Black, cannot tell if its tufted as its still pretty wet. I've decided to brood them inside (UGH!) and not give them back to the hens because there's a 3 1/2 week age difference between the these chicks and the chick Bonita and Lil' Girl have. I'm afraid their broodiness will wear off before these new chicks are able to be on their own.

Speaking of the hens.... :he Lil' Girl has completely taken away Bonita's chick. LG will run her off or get on top of her and peck the crap out of her if B tries to take the chick or mothers it. I'm a little disappointed in B; as that was her chick to begin with and she's always been over LG in the pecking order. I'd figure she would fight a little harder but :idunno.

And because I'm a glutton for punishment I'm going to set more eggs next weekend. I finally have confirmed fertility from all the new birds. I was only going to do one more hatch this summer, but I got to thinking I need to get some offspring from the Blue Crew (Blue Boy and his two hens) just in case something would happen to them. They are too magnificent to not get as many chicks out of them as I can. Between predators, accidents and disease anything can happen in the blink of an eye in the chicken world.
:fl Ratchet has gone broody! :fl
If she sits through tomorrow night I'll put some eggs under her.

The first chick that hatched is actually double tufted, not single. The other tuft is small and I didn't see it until it fluffed up. Just like Manolito he has a large right tuft, small left tuft, is black with a slight amount of mottling that I bet disappears like Mano's did. He/she is a Mini Mano!
:fl Ratchet has gone broody! :fl
If she sits through tomorrow night I'll put some eggs under her.

The first chick that hatched is actually double tufted, not single. The other tuft is small and I didn't see it until it fluffed up. Just like Manolito he has a large right tuft, small left tuft, is black with a slight amount of mottling that I bet disappears like Mano's did. He/she is a Mini Mano!
Aww you’ll have to post pictures of the new chicks for us. :pop

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