Araucana thread anyone?

Yes, she is one of the 7 hens I got from Nancy. I have her for sale locally. I don't like her. She's just plain Jane and on the small side. Between bantam and large fowl. I don't want to breed that forward.
Nothing wrong with plain Jane.
This is Jane. She’s kind of plain I guess. :)
Will you be breeding double/single tufted to clean faced? Once I have my own property I will set some tufted x tufted Araucana eggs and see if any hatch.
I'm going to breed tufted to tufted (and maybe single tufted too). I will keep a few clean faced hens if they have other good qualities, but hatching 11 chicks and only getting 1 that is tufted has kind of soured me on the clean faced to tufted breeding.
I'm going to breed tufted to tufted (and maybe single tufted too). I will keep a few clean faced hens if they have other good qualities, but hatching 11 chicks and only getting 1 that is tufted has kind of soured me on the clean faced to tufted breeding.
Supposedly breeding tufted to tufted means a 100% mortality rate, but I did read somewhere that some chicks will hatch from such a mating. Any idea what the breeders on the Facebook Araucana groups do regarding breeding?

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