Araucana thread anyone?

This is a fun time of year. The spring chicks are maturing. You get to see what progress was made. I am getting the first pullet eggs.

The one on the left is the third egg from the first pullet to start laying. The right egg is the first one to be laid by the second pullet to begin.
Wondering what everyone uses to treat their flock for Worms? Had the Georgia Poultry Lab Vet come out last week to check my flock. Thought I have a disease in my flock. Two of my hens looked bad, so I had started treating them with Tylan 50 shots. He took blood from all my chickens and he also took the two with him that looked sick to test them further. Well I spoke with him Monday about what he found in the blood of the well chickens and he said there is nothing wrong with any of the chicks that I still have. The two he took with him had Worms. Plus I had over dosed them on Tylan 50 which caused them to have kidney failure. (They kept looking sick so I kept giving them shots for seven days.) They died before he could get them back to his lab. He did a Diagnostic Necropsy on the two birds he took with him and they were full of worms he said. He told me to stop using Wazin and start using SafeGuard instead. SafeGuard 3ml in a gal of water for 3 days.

Oh, and the two that died both were DT and Rumples. Just glad to know that my flock is not infected with MG of Something like that. Also, while he was here he recertified my NPIP for another year.
Wondering what everyone uses to treat their flock for Worms? Had the Georgia Poultry Lab Vet come out last week to check my flock. Thought I have a disease in my flock. Two of my hens looked bad, so I had started treating them with Tylan 50 shots. He took blood from all my chickens and he also took the two with him that looked sick to test them further. Well I spoke with him Monday about what he found in the blood of the well chickens and he said there is nothing wrong with any of the chicks that I still have. The two he took with him had Worms. Plus I had over dosed them on Tylan 50 which caused them to have kidney failure. (They kept looking sick so I kept giving them shots for seven days.) They died before he could get them back to his lab. He did a Diagnostic Necropsy on the two birds he took with him and they were full of worms he said. He told me to stop using Wazin and start using SafeGuard instead. SafeGuard 3ml in a gal of water for 3 days.

Oh, and the two that died both were DT and Rumples. Just glad to know that my flock is not infected with MG of Something like that. Also, while he was here he recertified my NPIP for another year.

So sorry to hear about all that, you live in the south where worms are a bigger problem so you'll need to do extra things to keep the worm load down. They all get parasites, some parts of the country are worse for it than others. You might consider making sure the chicken yard/coop flooring is well drained, using diatomacious earth on the ground before the bedding can be helpful as well and a tub of it somewhere dry with some cracked corn in it to get them to eat it. Raw pumpkin seeds are considered good for keeping internal parasites down as well as garlic. Nothing is 100% or perfect but in warm, moist climates, it's going to take a little "extra" to keep them worm free.
Goat wormer (fenbendazole) is what I use but I do start with wazine here, the worms are not quite as bad as some areas. Another thing I use is Ivermectin pour on for cattle, a few drops on the skin for internal and external parasites. I also add ACV in the water. The healthier they are and the healthier the digestive system is kept, the better they tolerate it when they get wormy
Thanks for the advice. I am not sure if you aware or not, but Southeast Georgia has been getting a ton of rain this year (THANK GOD FOR ALL THE RAIN, it has been dry for the past few years here). There have been many days this summer when we have gotten 4-5 inches in just a few hours. Have had to add more soil to my pens to help displace the standing water. The Vet thinks this may be the reason for the Worms. He said he has seen more cases of worms this summer than normal.
When the birds start molting in the fall and stop laying (for the most part), I worm everybody with valbazen. I have to dose everybody individually, since it isn't something that can be mixed with water.

Eggs aren't to be eaten for two weeks after a dose of valbazen. I also redose the valbazen ten days after the first dose, just to make sure everything is deaded.
Hi all! Was hoping you could help me identify my Araucana roo's color. I have been poking around and haven't been able pin point it. He does have tufts and is tailless.
Hi all! Was hoping you could help me identify my Araucana roo's color. I have been poking around and haven't been able pin point it. He does have tufts and is tailless.
It is a golden duckwing with 1 copy of the splash dilute that turns what would normally be black feathers blue in one copy.
Thank you. He was the only one that hatched from the eggs I bought. The rest are ameraucanas. So I am contemplating what to do with him. Is he worth getting him his own females?

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