Araucana thread anyone?

Well it happened. He attacked my one child who animals love. So I had hubby kill him and I processed him for stew.

We tried working with him to make him more docile but once he drew blood on my kid, that's a no go.

I'm pretty sure I accidentally ruptured the poop intestine aka large intestine. Will he be safe for human consumption still? I rinsed well and now is in freezer.

you did the right thing. and yes, he is safe for human consumption.
River is 11 months old now. Her eggs still won't begin to grow. How do you guys collect, and store and set the eggs that lead to development? I'm wondering if maybe I'm doing something wrong. I don't have issues getting the other girls eggs to develop. I'm on day 10 and I can see the embryos moving around in the Golden Comet eggs.
River is 11 months old now. Her eggs still won't begin to grow. How do you guys collect, and store and set the eggs that lead to development? I'm wondering if maybe I'm doing something wrong. I don't have issues getting the other girls eggs to develop. I'm on day 10 and I can see the embryos moving around in the Golden Comet eggs.
You probably just need to give her a little more time to mature. I've noticed the Araucanas mature at a slightly slower rate than other breeds I've had. The lady I got Cholo from said she's never been able to hatch a chick from a pullet/hen younger than 14-15 months even though they get fertilized. I have successfully hatched from 11 monthers, though.

I collect only clean eggs (a little dirt is okay, but not poop). I keep them in the coolest room in my house, in an egg carton with the round side up, and elevate the side of the carton with a large book (about 5 inches thick), and swap elevating sides every 12 hours. That keeps the yolk from sticking in one place. I don't set any eggs over 10 days old.
The chicks are 9 days old today.

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