Araucana thread anyone?

That does sound great but, I don't have an incubator. I will have to purchase a chicken that has already been hatched.

Hi Michelle,

I don't have any hens available at the moment. Maybe by summer. I just sold out of all the girls I am not going to be using for breeding. Check with Ann of Birch Run Farm. She posted a page back I believe. She is the one with the ostrich as her avatar. I just bought a couple of duckwing hens from her.

Also I think Nadine has a hen or two for sale and she is closer to you then I am.

That's what I meant. I never said eggs.
If I meant eggs, lots of us have hatching eggs. But to the point, cashdl as well as a couple other members here ship adult birds.

Do you have any georgous pics I could use for my book. I will use your farm name and contact info if you want.

Anyone else feel like sharing with me. I have thousands of photos but not very many good ones. I am pretty bummed.


On the calculator, cross the Birchen x wildtype offspring back to the duckwing hens and you'll get some duckwings.
Birchen/ER/Crowwing is dominant to wildtype, so it doesn't express in the first generation. The offspring will be split ER/wildtype e+ and will produce duckwings if crossed back to each other or to the wildtype parent bird.
Sorry to change the topic.I would like to know if white ear lobes are correct.I am using a out dated standard and the club website does not say anything about ear lobe color.Just want to select for standard traits as my start is not up to standard yet. Jerry
Ear lobes should be red.

cashdl, I think these two are the only truly good photos of mine so far, though I plan to snap some more today. . .



thank you very much. I will do that.


perfect. Could you email them to me. I will put them both in my book under AOV. Do you have names for them?


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