
10 Years
Apr 14, 2009
My family lives in the city(im 11) and I really want bantams. My mom said they are loud and they are getting Buff Orphingtons instead, so I'm really upset I can't get one because my bantam chick died. SO, do you think they are quiet? I need answers from experienced people who have/had Bantams so I can show my parents.

We already have 2 Australorps and a pullet chick(unknown breed) and 3 ducklings.

I need answers by tomorrow so please help!!!!!!!
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My d 'uccle was pretty quiet. But if you need something noiseless you should look at a muscovy duck. THey are quackless. BTW i live in the city and have dutch bantam, muscovy ducks, a serama and some red production pullets(only chicks for now)
look at Hendersons chicken breed chart ,it will help you pick the right breed. Orps are pretty huge, maybe not the best thing for the city.
first let me say welcome to byc

It is good to see the young into wild life.
With my experience all hens basically make the same noise, bantam cochin hens are more lovable they will let you hold them and they love attetion.
They only really make noise when they are laying an egg or they will make a soft noise like they are talking to. Silkie are the same way.
Good luck, hope you get what you whant.
Seramas are the smallest and not too loud. The crows do not carry as much as my standard birds, but some of the Serama roos I have are real crowers and crow over and over alllllll day. I tune it out, but I guess even if you had one with a cute little crow, its not so cute if you hear it 9 million times a day.
My friend Patrick lives in downtown Lexington and he has a line of squeaky crowing Seramas for the urban chicken enthusiast!
I have two Frizzles, a Silkie and an Ameracauna and you wouldn't know I had hens at all, they are so quiet. Now my Banty roo is a whole other story! He loves to crow at the drop of a hat!
My bantams are only chicks now, so I can't speak to how noisy they'll be as adults but my ducks are louder than my buff orpingtons (and the ducks don't sleep all night, so I can hear them periodically throughout the night).
Most of my bantams are quiet, specially the Silkies and Cochins. The d'Uccles like to chatter (talk) to me, but they aren't loud.

The only one that does love to make noise and be heard is my Black Japanese bantam. I have no clue what she's saying, but she wants to make sure everything in the yard hears her lol.

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