are black sexlinks docile?

I love my BS ...names: Oprah, Ella, Michelle, and Rosa, They are so friendly and want to be in the mix all the time. Very chatty as well. They are all different in coloring about their head so it's easy to tell them apart.
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My BSL is pretty flightly, but will occasionally let you pet her. I think that sexlinks tend to not be broody.

IMO you usually don't know the parent breeds of a Sexlink so it's hard to say how friendly they will be.

BR's are the friendliest things in the world!

For BO's, it typically varies.... Different people say different things, but I had a bad experience with mine.
Our BS Bob is the tamest of our crew...she actually like being around my three year old...she'll follow him like a puppy.
I don't actually have any Black Sexlinks but I've heard that they're friendly and since they're considered such great layers I doubt they really go broody too often. I do love Buff Orpingtons though
I have BSL and mine are just dolls! They are sweet, likes to rest assure their line in the pecking order and are not cuddlers like my buff sex links. I had a roo also that a neighbors dog scared away and has not returned yet. He were docile, loving and a good cuddler. From my experience they are community chickens and rarely pick on others and most likely the first at your feet when you bring them treats lol. Lucy also lays a medium size pink to brown egg that are delicious as per my customers.
i have 2 black sex links and they are the calmest birds. i can pet them while there in the nestbox laying a egg .they dont peck me like my red sex links did. i will be getting more soon.
I have 3 BSL's and they are less flighty than my EE's, and truthfully they are my calmest and largest breed. Never had any issues with behavior around the other girls or my family. Also, as they are bred for egg production they are probably of the least broody type breed there is. I want to get some more soon as well as more BR's.
Oh, that is so funny, we named our Black Sexlink Oprah too! I got another one today and we're thinking about Gail!!
Well... Oprah has a little flick of feathers on her back, and you know Oprah's hair is always done just so. In HS my daughter always sang jazz, Her teacher introduced her as the next Ella. Each name is a woman of color I honor.

BTW I've had both RSL and BSL... they are all great layers wonderfully natured and have NEVER gone broody.

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