are my eggs ok? Got new chicks! come take a look at the video!

She/He, is resting for the big moment. Like you should be doing! You don't want to have a serious mini heart attack.
I am either doing that web cam thing wrong, or it isn't working? Would love to be able to see your does that page work?
ok, saw it. Looks like it could be a while never know, after this rest it could just decide..I'm outta here! Just have to wait and see. Hard huh????
I know! I have absolutely no patients.
I am sitting in my little brother's plush chair (which I think I broke) right by the bator.
When ever I here a peep I fall over with excitement.
heheheee you know what peep back, they will peep more!!! turn on the cam so we can hear you peep with them!!!
wow. Im a very bad peeper...or my chick is just a bad cooperator. For the peoples who herd my sorry attempt at peeping, Im sorry it was so bad.
You are wayyyyyyyyy tooooooooooooo paranoid!!!!!!!!!! Your worse than me! Calm and chill....... gonna be okay!

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