are my eggs ok? Got new chicks! come take a look at the video!

11 eggs. I have not been opening the bator. I only thought 2 or 3 are going to hatch though but I was too scared to throw the others out because I was not sure if they had something in them.
If you really thinkyou should at this stage, then maybe it's right to. Please, look up on you tube the video of the double yolker egg that was hand hatched by a BYCer. It will show you how to do this without killing the chick.

Maybe just opening the bator, taking out the egg and hold it in a damp warm paper towel while you check for breathing. If it is, just chip away a little of the outer shell around the pip without breaking the membrane (it should seperate easily enough, but dab on warm water with your finger at the edges of the shell to loosen it). If it's breathing, make a hole about 1.5cm across, and put it back, that should help the chick get started zipping.

Why do you thnk only 2 or 3 will make it? Have your temps been consistent? Humidity? Do you have fertility issues or are they shipped eggs?
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There's no harm in having alook at this stage. If you're in day 23 you need to think about what you are willing to do: either save or lose this chick. Aer any others looking likely? Or hatched?

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