are my eggs ok? Got new chicks! come take a look at the video!

I'm so sorry. I followed your excitement all the way though

I think your humidity might have been too high.
I know everyone gets paranoid their humidity is too low in case they get dried out and can't spin in th egg to zip or get shrink wrapped so they up it, but I've found if humidity is too high the membrane gets too rubbery and they push and push at it but it just bounces rather than breaks. Its needs a certain paperyness to it to break.
I would say try again. I know its rough but you nearly made it. Get a dozen barnyard mix eggs (I find these are the most robust) locally if you don't have your own fertile eggs. Fix humidity at 65% for lockdown. I think I saw you say you had it at 80%, even 85%. When I hatch ducklings which do need more humidity even they struggle at 80%, they need closer to 70%. For chickens 65% works well.
Again, I'm sorry, but don't give up...when it works its magical and you never forget your first clean zip and hatch.
Well, Im going to get some silkie chicks and eggs tomorrow morning. If anyone has any advice please tell me. I feel sick to my stomach right now and dont want things to go wrong again.

It will be ok.I know it is hard not to be hard on yourself, but this wasnt your fault.I just had 2 late in the game quitters and it was hard to admit that there was nothing humanly possible I could have done to save them, mother nature took it's course.
Big Hugs!!!!
Sit down tonight before you get your eggs, research out your incubation plan and write it down. Stick to it. Temperatures, humidity levels, days for candling. On day 18 lock them down, and do nothing more than top up with water.

Get enough eggs that you can nearly fill your incubator, chicks can be sold on if you end up with too many. Your bator will work better almost to capacity.

I'll bet that the next hatch you try will be a much better experience, and success. Where did you have your incubator set up? A quiet place, free from draughts and in a fairly dark corner is best. Why, I don't know, but too much light (not even direct sunlight) can affect the eggs.

Happy hatching, and enjoy your baby chicks!

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