Are my girls molting?


6 Years
Nov 28, 2013
So I noticed a few weeks ago that 1 of my girls lost the feathers on her undercarriage, and that overall her feathers seemed messy. I thought initially it was mites, so dusted, and went through that whole deal, but it seems like maybe its just molting. I have 5 girls that we got around easter. All but 1 have not started losing their feathers and are naked from the vent to around the breast. Just seems like the worst possible time to start molting as its getting cold here in Maryland. The black/grey girl has the worst of it with her feathers all broken and sort of chewed looking. Anyone able to confirm this is just normal molting and nothing to worry about?

I had to keep them penned up lately due to a complaining neighbor, who is a little too anal about his yard. I wasn't sure if this was due to that or not but have been trying to let them out more and more to see if that helps. They are all good layers, and seem to be in good spirits.

How old are they? Its definitely possible that they are molting. Most chickens molt in the fall in winter.
We got them at Easter, so I guess 7-8 months which I believe is right when they typically molt, but it just seems like the wrong time of year to lose your insulation...
I'm pretty sure it's just molting, nothing to worry about, some of my girls are also molting during this cold winter. It shouldn't last to long since this will be their first year, a month at the absolute most. You might want to put out a light so they can stay warm since they are loosing a good many of their feathers.
Hope this helped!
I have had a light out, but it started in late cot for some and they are still pretty bald. Hope it ends soon

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